Walter H. Lewin的访谈

Interview with Walter H. Lewin
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit801f99_lewin_int/  
主讲教师: Walter H. G. Lewin
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2008-10-10
课程语种: 英语
麻省理工学院的许多Walter Lewin物理讲座已经在西雅图的UWTV上播放了六年多,吸引了大约400万观众。列文亲自回复了他每年从UWTV观众收到的数百封电子邮件请求。15年来,他一直在麻省理工的有线电视上,每天24小时播放节目,帮助新生完成每周的家庭作业。Lewin还教授有关牛顿力学、电磁学、振动和波的视频课程,这些课程可以从麻省理工学院开放式课程网站上观看。他的麻省理工学院科学教师和中学生讲座可以在麻省理工的世界上看到。世界各地的许多讲师都利用这些讲座来教授他们的学生。
课程简介: Many of the Walter Lewin Lectures on Physics at MIT have been shown for over six years on UWTV in Seattle, reaching an audience of about four million people. Lewin personally responded to hundreds of e-mail requests that he received per year from UWTV viewers. For fifteen years he was on MIT Cable TV, with programs aired 24 hours per day helping freshmen with their weekly homework assignments. Lewin also teaches video courses on Newtonian Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, and Vibrations and Waves, which can be viewed from the MIT OpenCourseWare web site. His MIT lectures for science teachers and for middle school students can be viewed on MIT World. Various lecturers all around the world make use of these lectures to teach their students.
关 键 词: 牛顿力学; 电与磁; 振动波; 物理教学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-12-24:lxf
阅读次数: 58