
Next Generation Solar Cells: Lowering Costs, Improving Performance and Scale
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_buonassisi_ngsc/  
主讲教师: Tonio Buonassisi
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-10-10
课程语种: 英语
根据Tonio Buonassi的说法,我们正处于实现一项具有竞争力的技术来捕捉无限的太阳能量的关键时刻。布奥纳西在与麻省理工学院博物馆的观众交谈时,描述了在麻省理工学院和其他研究人员的工作下,光伏技术最终如何发展成为自己的领域。Buonassi从16岁起就把太阳能电池描述为“生活的激情”,但科学家们花了更长的时间来研究如何将太阳光转化为地球上有用的能量。1954年,贝尔实验室开创了第一个太阳能电池。“经营一台普通的家用烤面包机,花了1.2万美元,”布诺纳西说。尽管在20世纪90年代取得了巨大的飞跃,在硅晶体净化方面取得了突破,并为日本和德国的国家工业提供了大量补贴,但今天的太阳能仅占全球总发电量的1%。太阳能电池背后的过程看起来很简单,包括太阳光能(光子)在某些基底内激发电子;正负电荷分离;然后将这些电荷收集到外部电路中。然而,扩大这一产业以与煤炭和其他化石燃料竞争已被证明是令人望而生畏的。布隆纳西认为要克服几个障碍:降低材料和加工成本,提高电池的转化效率,提高制造产量。他说,举例来说,用半平方米大小的太阳能电池板为一个100瓦的灯泡供电,需要一块相当于内华达州1/3大小的土地,才能将足够的阳光转化为电能供全美国使用。在世界上一些地区,常年强烈的太阳,太阳能已经很有意义了,但在多云、寒冷的北方在美国东部,仍然需要巨额补贴才能实现这一目标。Buonassisi仍然乐观:他自己的团队从用作太阳能电池晶片的材料中去除杂质,这样电池就能更有效地将光子转换成电子。虽然光伏研究的技术进步没有遵循摩尔定律,但布隆纳西认为,研究可以“启动对效率和性能的限制”。到下一个十年年底,光伏技术可能会“冲击一些潜在的大市场,数亿人”。
课程简介: According to Tonio Buonassisi, we’re “on the cusp” of achieving a competitive technology for capturing the limitless energy of the sun. Buonassisi, in conversation with an MIT Museum audience, describes how, with the work of MIT and other researchers, photovoltaics may finally be coming into its own. Buonassisi describes solar cells as his “life’s passion” since age 16, but scientists have been laboring somewhat longer to figure out how to convert sunlight to useful power on Earth. In 1954, Bell Labs pioneered the first solar cell. It took 12 thousand dollars’ worth of these “to run an ordinary household toaster,” says Buonassisi. In spite of a great leap forward in the 1990s, with breakthroughs around the purification of silicon crystals and large subsidies for national industries in Japan and Germany, solar energy today constitutes just 1% of total electric generation worldwide. The process behind solar cells appears straightforward, involving the sun’s light energy (photons) exciting electrons inside some substrate; the separation of positive and negative charges; and then the collection of those charges into an external circuit. Yet scaling up this industry to compete with coal and other fossil fuels has proven daunting. Buonassisi sees several hurdles to overcome: lower materials and processing costs, improved conversion efficiencies of cells, and better manufacturing yields. He says that it takes half a square meter-sized solar panel to power a 100-watt bulb, for instance, and it would require a land area equivalent to 1/3rd the size of Nevada to convert enough sunlight to electricity for the whole U.S. In some parts of the world with intense, year-round sun, solar makes sense already, but in the cloudy, wintry northeastern U.S., huge subsidies are still required to make a go of it. Buonassisi is still optimistic: His own group removes impurities from materials that serve as wafers for solar cells, so cells can convert photons to electrons more effectively. While technological advances in photovoltaics research have not followed Moore’s Law, Buonassisi believes that research can “kick off the constraint” on efficiency and performance. By the end of the next decade, photovoltaics may be “hitting some big potential markets, hundreds of millions of people.”
关 键 词: 无限能源; 阳光电源; 阳光电源; 技术进步
课程来源: 视频讲座课
最后编审: 2020-06-02:liqy
阅读次数: 96