
Perspectives on Engineering
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_champy_vest_hughes_mindell_roos...  
主讲教师: Thomas Hughes; Champy James A; Daniel Roos; Vest Charles M
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
随着先进技术在世界各地扎根,该小组提供了工程系统在历史上和继续发挥的关键作用的认识。Charles Vest敦促建立一个广泛的智力框架来研究和开发大型工程系统,其“复杂性如此之大,我们无法了解所有可能的最终状态”。当我们面临“所有系统问题之母”的时候,一个新的框架变得非常紧迫,即保护我们自己免受恐怖主义的威胁,以及iMate对可持续发展的挑战。托马斯·休斯援引过去的经验,鼓励在工程方法中加入“真实而混乱的世界”。例如,托马斯特尔福德19世纪的道路建设项目也有助于提高识字率和减少贫困。大卫·明德尔描述了工程科学从曼哈顿项目到阿波罗任务到冷战结束的演变过程。他欢迎工程研究从专注于技术本身转向技术影响。工程师必须接受“发明家、沟通者、决策者和领导者”的培训。Daniel Roos指出,汽车等强大技术的出现,影响了城市设计和经济增长,导致了工程系统规模和复杂性的大幅增加。当代工程项目范围的扩大意味着工程师必须“找到能满足所有利益相关者的最佳解决方案”。“如今,仅仅了解技术还不够,这需要对组织和背景影响有更广泛的理解。”最后,詹姆斯•查米指责工业界。因为“对新想法的犹豫和玩世不恭,相反,它对成本的痴迷”。
课程简介: This panel provides a sense of the critical role engineering systems have played historically, and continue to play, as advanced technologies take root around the world. Charles Vest urges a broad intellectual framework for studying and developing large engineered systems, whose “complexities are so great we can’t know all the possible end states.” A new framework becomes urgent as we face “the mother of all systems problems” – defending ourselves against terrorism-- and the ultimate challenge of sustainable development. Thomas Hughes invokes the past to encourage the inclusion of “a real and messy world” in engineering approaches. For instance, the 19th century road-building projects of Thomas Telford also functioned to improve literacy and reduce poverty. David Mindell describes the evolution of engineering science from the Manhattan Project through the Apollo missions to the end of the Cold War. He welcomes a shift in engineering studies from an exclusive focus on the technology itself to technologies’ impact. Engineers must be trained as “inventors, communicators, policy makers, and leaders.” Daniel Roos notes that the emergence of a powerful technology such as the automobile, which influenced urban design and economic growth, led to a vast increase in engineering systems scale and complexity. The widening scope of contemporary engineering projects means that engineers must “find the best solution that satisfies all stakeholders.” Today, “just understanding technology is not sufficient….it requires a broader understanding of organizational and contextual implications.” Finally, James Champy chides industry for its “hesitancy and cynicism about new ideas and instead, its obsession with costs.”
关 键 词: 工程系统; 恐怖主义; 可持续发展; 道路建设; 工程研究
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-06:yumf
阅读次数: 42