
(eco)Logical: Greening the 21st Century City
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_daley_greenberg_brown_campbell_...  
主讲教师: Robert Campbell; Foy Douglas I; Daley Richard M; Ken Greenberg; Hillary Brown
开课单位: 格林伯格顾问有限公司
开课时间: 2013-07-23
课程语种: 英语
没有太多全国性的宣传,芝加哥已经转变成绿色美德的典范。达利市长所引用的显著成就包括:将城市26英里湖滨的几乎每一寸土地改造成公共用途,包括公园、喷泉、自行车道、剧院和音乐会空间;在市政厅、城市学校、停车场、博物馆和商店(如Target和W)的屋顶上种植160万平方英尺的花园。阿尔马尔特,从而降低了夏季的温度和冷却建筑物所需的能源;将棕色的土地改造成新的工业设施、经济适用的住房、绿地,并创造了3000个新的就业机会;为所有公共建筑制定环境敏感的建筑标准,并帮助私营企业实现类似的目标。标准,包括使用再生材料和太阳能电池板。Ken Greenberg指出,在美国,对城市中自然和人类社会共存的新理解,由于“自然特征的强大吸引力”,这种理解“跨越阶级和政治分歧”,希拉里·布朗在城市设计师中观察到一种基于生态的新的共享语言。“逻辑隐喻和整个系统思维。”她倡导“消除可持续实践的神秘化,使绿化的好处对每个人都是全面和透明的”,包括那些铺设城市人行道和道路、修建下水道和处理水的人。Robert Campbell承认“绿色看起来更好”,但他警告说,“绿色建筑在很大程度上是象征性的”,因为“他们不会长期解决世界能源问题。”人们沉迷于自然世界的伊甸园,这让我们对现实视而不见。“这是唯一一个长期的绿色解决方案。”涉及到“重新组织我们居住在地球上的模式”,即城市中紧凑的居住区,而不是郊区的无计划扩张。Doug Foy说,“我们所做的一切都是为了把事情放在城市中,让它们远离绿色景观,这是一个胜利。”他总结说,所有伟大的城市都需要可用的水线、密集居住区的交通系统、社区和非盈利组织,这些组织通过起伏维持经济。
课程简介: Without much national fanfare, Chicago has transformed itself into a paragon of green virtue. The remarkable achievements cited by Mayor Daley include: converting nearly every inch of the city’s 26 miles of lakefront to public use, including parks, fountains, bike paths, theatre and concert space; planting 1.6 million square feet of gardens on the roofs of city hall, city schools, parking garages, museums and stores like Target and Walmart, thus lowering temperatures in the summer and energy needed to cool buildings; transforming brown fields into new industrial facilities, affordable housing, green spaces, and generating three thousand new jobs; creating environmentally sensitive construction standards for all public buildings, and helping private enterprises achieve similar standards, including the use of recycled materials and solar panels. Ken Greenberg notes across the U.S. a new “understanding of the cohabitation of nature and society of humans in cities,” one which “cuts across class and political divides” because of the “powerful allure of natural features.” Hillary Brown observes among urban designers “a new shared language based on ecological metaphors and whole systems thinking.” She champions “demystifying sustainable practices, making the benefits of greening comprehensive and transparent to everyone,” including those who pave city sidewalks and roads, build sewers and treat water. Robert Campbell admits “green looks better” but warns that “green buildings are largely symbolic,” because “they won’t solve the world’s energy problems by a long shot.” People are obsessed “with the Eden of the natural world, which blinds us to reality.” The only long-term green solution involves “reorganizing the patterns by which we inhabit earth” -- compact settlement in cities, versus suburban sprawl. Doug Foy says, “Anything we do to put things in cities…and to keep them off of green landscapes… is a win.” He concludes that all great cities require useable water front, transit systems for dense habitation, neighborhoods and nonprofit organizations that sustain the economy through ups and downs.
关 键 词: 环保标准建设; 再生材料; 政治分歧; 交通系统
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-06:yumf
阅读次数: 35