
The University as Patron of Cutting Edge Architecture (Part Two)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_gehry_venturi_park_curry_upce/  
主讲教师: Gehry Frank O; Mitchell William J; Curry John R; Kyong Park; Robert Venturi
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-08-13
课程语种: 英语
William Mitchell将麻省理工学院描述为一个“非常关键的地方”,以此作为开场白。“斯塔塔中心在其设计和建设过程中,为校园提供了一种不把任何事情视为理所当然并重新思考前提的态度。”因此,在这个充满活力的小组中,辩论和一些争论随之而来,这并不奇怪。Frank Gehry描述了他从祖父身上吸取塔木德的经验,这是一个持续不断的调查,导致了“最终的本质”黄金法则。他认为他的设计过程遵循以下规则:“做一个好邻居,尊重我周围的建筑”。Robert Venturi为不满道歉,然后提醒他因为“校园是一个社区,而不是一个舞台布景”,文图里于是宣布,他热爱麻省理工学院最早的建筑。Gehry回应道,“你听起来很适合原教旨主义的复苏。”他们两人在尊重客户方面找到了共同点,即,用Venturi的话说,“尽管他们的项目“拜占庭式的复杂性”,但他们仍能建立起信任、相互理解的感觉。”Kyong Park呼吁建筑运动,9/11后,“回归未来的希望和可能性”。John Curry描述了在实现Stata中心的过程中,主持一系列辩证的过程,即“可持续性和风格之间”,公地与公地之间“回廊”和“介于便宜和耐用之间”。关于主持人:William Mitchell是麻省理工学院前建筑系主任;他还担任麻省理工学院院长的建筑顾问。因此,他一直是为校园调试创新建筑的重要倡导者。他最近的一本书是《我++:电子人的自我与网络城市》。
课程简介: William Mitchell opens this session by describing MIT as an “enormously critical place.” The Stata Center, during its design and construction, fed the campus “attitude of not taking anything for granted and rethinking premises.” So it’s no surprise that debate and some sparring ensue during this spirited panel. Frank Gehry describes imbibing Talmudic learning from his grandfather, a constant inquiry which leads to the “final essence—the Golden Rule.” He believes his design process follows this rule: “being a good neighbor, respecting the architecture around me.” Robert Venturi apologizes for being grouchy, then reminds his audience that “campus is a community and not a stage set….Down with the old romantic idea of the artist as being original in order to be good.” Venturi then proclaims his love for the earliest MIT buildings. Gehry responds, “You sound like you’re fitting in well to the resurgence of fundamentalism.” The two find common ground in their respect for clients that manage to establish, in Venturi’s words, “a feeling of trust, mutual understanding” in spite of the “Byzantine complexity” of their projects. Kyong Park calls for a movement in architecture that can, post 9/11, “be part of bringing back to the future hope and possibility.” John Curry describes presiding over a series of dialectical processes in the course of bringing the Stata Center to fruition -- “between sustainability and style,” “between commons versus cloisters,” and “between the cheap and the durable.” ABOUT THE MODERATOR: William Mitchell is the former Dean of Architecture at MIT; he also serves as architectural advisor to the President of MIT. As such, he has been a crucial advocate for commissioning innovative architecture for the campus. His most recent book is Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City.
关 键 词: 麻省理工学院建筑; 可持续性; 共享与回廊; 创新架构
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-21:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 43