
Standards and Strategy: Competing in Increasingly Open Worlds
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_henderson_ssciow/  
主讲教师: Rebecca Henderson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-07-29
课程语种: 英语
Rebecca Henderson说,让我们假设,期待已久的技术融合已经开始,使我们的PC、电话、汽车和电器能够透明地相互通信。“谁会在这个世界上赚钱?”亨德森认为,“如果你从事制作“盒子”的业务,比如播放下载的音乐或计算数据,那么你将面临两难境地。”亨德森说,客户不再寻求设计最佳的产品,而是“全面的系统体验”。无论业务涉及自行车或手机、医疗或金融服务,互联世界的未来都是销售互联系统的部分。因此,企业必须“考虑控制体系结构或影响系统的体系结构,并在其中构建最佳产品”。面临的挑战是,在一个公共电信主干将设备和人员连接到各地的世界中,抓住正确的竞争策略。如果您的系统与此电信主干网的架构不匹配,当您的产品市场走向不同的标准时,您可能会面临“突然死亡”。亨德森建议,如果企业采用Linux等公开开放标准,并放弃专有软件,那么它们更有可能生存下来。她提倡“软标准”,即公司设计与当前和未来公共标准兼容的系统,同时为客户提供量身定制的性能和功能。
课程简介: Let’s assume, says Rebecca Henderson, that the eagerly awaited convergence in technology has begun, enabling our PCs, phones, cars and appliances to communicate with each other transparently. “Who,” asks Henderson, “will make money in this world?” If you are in the business of making “boxes” -- say, to play downloaded music, or to compute data—you are facing a dilemma, Henderson believes. Customers are no longer seeking the best designed product, but “a total system experience.” Whether the business involves bicycles or cell phones, medical or financial services, the “future in an interconnected world is about selling parts of interconnected systems,” Henderson says. So firms must “think about controlling architecture or influencing the architecture of the system and building the best products within it.” The challenge will be to seize on the right strategy for competing in a world where a common telecommunications backbone connects devices and people everywhere. If your systems don’t dovetail with the architecture of this telecom backbone, you might face “sudden death” when the market for your product tips toward a different standard. Henderson suggests that organizations are more likely to survive if they embrace public open standards such as Linux, and abandon proprietary software. She advocates “soft standards,” where companies design systems compatible with current and future public standards but at the same time offer customers performance and functionality tailored to their needs.
关 键 词: 设计产品; 医疗或金融服务; 战略竞争; 公共标准
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-07:yumf
阅读次数: 44