
U.S. Planning and Realities of Post-War Iraq
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_jabareen_patterson_nash_sapolsk...  
主讲教师: Patterson Charles N; Yosef Jabareen; Nash David J; Sapolsky Harvey M
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
从这些小组成员看来,你对伊拉克的经历越亲密,你就越可能乐观。大卫·J·纳什完全沉浸其中。他在45天内组织了伊拉克基础设施数十亿美元的重建工作。他的2800个项目涵盖了从新的发电厂和供水公司到学校和医疗诊所的所有领域。如果这还不够的话,他必须使用和平时期的合同规定,与恐怖袭击作斗争。纳什说:“有些人担心我们会失败,有些人担心我们会成功,他们会聚在一起,让我的工作变得有趣。”然而,尽管存在障碍,包括持续的叛乱,纳什认为“未来是光明的”,查尔斯N.帕特森在入侵前与伊拉克人接触,设想一个萨达姆自由的未来。2002年夏天,“伊拉克的未来”项目将流离失所的伊拉克人和库尔德伊拉克人与美国政府机构聚集在一起,以期实现政治过渡。17个工作组处理了一些问题,例如如何处理大型的复兴党安全部队,以及如何引入民主理想。问题不仅在于缺乏共识,还在于美国的意图冲突。“政府中的声音”表达了这样一种观点,即伊拉克解放后将立即实行民主、现代化和和平。“今天,帕特森认为,许多事情在一个糟糕的开端之后就开始了。”Harvey Sapolsky说,美国有效地处理了这场战争,但当战争结束时,事情就会变得更糟。Sapolsky参加了国防科学委员会对战争规划和战后管理的审查。萨波尔斯基说:“我们在两个方面妨碍了我们自己。”“我们没有殖民地服务”,因此没有人计划长期居住,“我们也没有在叛乱期间运行重建的承包系统”。
课程简介: Judging from these panelists, the more intimate your experience of Iraq, the more optimistic you are likely to be. David J. Nash was fully immersed. He organized the multi-billion dollar reconstruction effort of Iraq’s infrastructure in 45 days. His 2800 projects ran the gamut from new power plants and water companies, to schools and medical clinics. If that wasn’t enough, he had to use peacetime contracting rules and contend with terrorist attacks. “Some people were afraid we’d fail, some feared we’d succeed, and they’d get together and make my job interesting,” says Nash. Yet, in spite of the obstacles, including the ongoing insurgency, Nash believes the “future is bright.” Charles N. Patterson engaged with Iraqis in envisioning a Saddam-free future -- before the invasion. The “Future of Iraq Project” brought together diaspora Iraqis and Kurdish Iraqis with U.S. government agencies in the summer of 2002 to envision a political transition. Seventeen working groups tackled such questions as what to do with the large Baath security forces, and how to introduce democratic ideals. The problem was not only a lack of consensus but conflicted U.S. intentions. “Voices in the administration…sold the idea that Iraq liberated would immediately embrace democracy, modernize and be at peace.” Today, Patterson believes “a lot of things have begun to go right after a bad start.” Harvey Sapolsky states the U.S. handled the war effectively but that “when the war ended, things seemed to fall apart.” Sapolsky participated in a Defense Science Board review of war planning and post-war administration. We’ve “handicapped ourselves in two ways,” says Sapolsky. “We don’t have a colonial service…so no one’s planning to stay a long time,” and “we don’t have a contracting system to run reconstruction during an insurgency.”
关 键 词: 伊拉克经验; 基础设施; 恐怖袭击; 战后管理计划; 缔约制度
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-21:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 38