
New Lessons in Cancer Research
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lees_nlcr/  
主讲教师: Lees Jacqueline A
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-10-11
课程语种: 英语
癌症是一个纵容的敌人。试着通过手术或化学疗法杀死它,它会找到一种方法潜入体内。Jacqueline Lees告诉一位忙碌的肥皂盒观众,在长期对抗这种无情疾病的斗争中,研究提供了什么见解和工具。利兹说,对不同阶段肿瘤的分子研究取得了很大进展。癌细胞常常需要很多年才能发展成一个危险的肿瘤,一个可以产生转移的肿瘤。在癌症的进化过程中,15年内可能有六个发展阶段,科学家们已经很好地了解了这些不同的病变在各种癌症中是什么样的,以及它们的行为方式。Lees称这一过程“实际上是进化的一个很好的例子”,因为与组织中的其他细胞相比,变异并开始不可控制地分裂的细胞进化得更加成功。其他的研究集中在癌症的遗传基础上。两种基因的“味道”似乎是引起细胞癌变的原因:癌基因和肿瘤抑制基因。利兹说,可能有可能沿着癌症生长的基因途径进行干预。她自己的研究,包括突变小鼠和斑马鱼,希望能找出特定种类肿瘤的机制,并找出抑制癌细胞生长的方法。了解特定癌症的性质可能有助于防止使用对其癌症不起作用的化学制剂治疗患者,这实际上会增加他们的肿瘤生长。随着快速而廉价的基因筛选技术的出现,我们可能很快就可以确定是否每个人都携带了易患某种癌症的基因。但利兹质疑DNA检测的普遍采用,这不仅是因为隐私问题,而且因为如果发现疾病的易感,很可能没有已知的治疗方法。“如果我们对每个婴儿进行排序,并说您极易患癌症,而我们无能为力,这是否是人们想要的信息?”“Lees奇迹。“如果我们能找到一种快速排序小基因组子集的方法,识别出高危人群,如果我们知道他们患有这些疾病,我们就可以对他们进行治疗,这是有道理的,就像我们检测疾病一样,如果我们发现携带这些疾病的儿童,我们就可以进行干预,”Lees说。
课程简介: Cancer is a conniving enemy. Try to kill it off through surgery or chemotherapy, and it finds a way to sneak back in. Jacqueline Lees tells an engaged Soap Box audience what insights and tools research now offers in the longstanding battle against this relentless disease. Big gains have come from molecular study of tumors at different stages, Lees says. It often takes many years for a cancerous cell to develop into a dangerous tumor, one that can yield metastases. There might be six phases of development over 15 years in a cancer’s evolution, and scientists have formed a good understanding of what these different lesions look like in various cancers, and how they behave. Lees calls this process “actually a beautiful example of evolution,” since the cell that mutates and begins to divide uncontrollably evolves to become more successful relative to other cells in the tissue. Other research focuses on the genetic basis of cancers. Two “flavors” of genes appear responsible for provoking cancerous changes in cells: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. It may be possible to intervene along the genetic pathways underlying cancer growth, says Lees. Her own work, involving mutant mice and zebrafish, hopes to identify the mechanisms involved in specific kinds of tumors, and to figure out ways of inhibiting cancer cell growth. Understanding the nature of specific cancers might help prevent treating people with chemical agents that don’t work for their kind of cancer, and that actually increase their tumor’s growth. With the advent of fast and inexpensive genetic screens, it may soon be possible to determine whether each of us carries genes that predispose us toward certain kinds of cancers. But Lees questions the universal adoption of DNA testing, not just because of privacy concerns, but because there may very well be no known cure if a predisposition to disease is found. “If we sequenced every baby, and said you’re highly predisposed to a cancer, and there’s nothing we can do, would that be information people want to have?” Lees wonders. “If we could find a rapid way to sequence small subsets of genome, identify people with high risk and we could treat them if we knew they had those diseases, there’d be an argument for that, much as we do testing for diseases where we know can intervene if find children carrying them,” says Lees.
关 键 词: 癌症; 肿瘤分子; 癌细胞; 基因组序列
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-01-07:lxf
阅读次数: 67