
Engineering Engineering Systems
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_magnanti_ees/  
主讲教师: Magnanti Thomas L
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-07-26
课程语种: 英语
Tom Magnanti说,从汽车和飞机到电话、无线电、电视和计算机,20世纪的顶级工程成就构成了“复杂的技术系统”。可以肯定的是,下个世纪的首要工程挑战,如“将全球能源需求不可避免的增长与潜在的环境成本协调起来”,也将涉及复杂的解决方案。工程系统(ES)作为一门学科,在教育工程师成功应对这些挑战方面会发挥关键作用吗?麦格纳提提出了一个棘手的问题,即什么构成了ES作为一个领域。他研究了麻省理工学院早期的课程,如系统设计和管理,以及4M概念模型(Mine、Model、Manipulate、Measure),寻找思考他的主题的方法。“社会学和心理学是一门单一学科吗?他沉思着。他将不同的体系结构应用于工程系统:应将其视为工程、管理和社会科学的交叉点,从而视为每种体系的一个子集;或将其视为从技术、经济、人力资源、设计中借用的组成部分,从而构成“所有工程加上其他一切”。Magnanti说,无论是一个单一的学科,还是一个以多学科为核心、以多学科为基础的“领域”,都可能成为所有ES工作的核心。
课程简介: The top engineering achievements of the 20th century, from the automobile and airplane to telephone, radio, TV and computer, all constitute “complex technical systems,” says Tom Magnanti. It is certain that the next century’s top engineering challenges, such as “reconciling the inevitable growth in world-wide energy demand with potential environmental costs,” will involve complex solutions, too. Will engineering systems (ES) as a discipline play a critical role in educating engineers to respond successfully to these challenges? Magnanti takes up the slippery issue of what constitutes ES as a field. He examines earlier MIT curricula, such as Systems Design and Management, and the 4M Conceptual model (Mine, Model, Manipulate, Measure), for ways to think about his topic. “Is ES a single discipline the way sociology and psychology are?,” he ponders. He applies different architectural constructs to engineering systems: Should ES be viewed as an intersection of engineering, management and social sciences and thus a subset of each; or as borrowing components from technology, economics, human resources, design, and thus comprising “all of engineering plus everything else.” Networking may prove central to all ES work, Magnanti says, whether ES is a single discipline or a “field that has a core focus … and draws upon multiple disciplines.
关 键 词: 技术系统; 环境成本; 全球能源需求; 管理和社会科学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-22:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 44