
Government Perspectives on Engineering Systems
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_morgan_downey_chuen_lui_bordogn...  
主讲教师: Granger Morgan; Pao Chuen Lui; Mortimer Downey; Mary Good; Joseph Bordogna
开课单位: 新加坡国立大学
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
专家组成员分享他们的丰富经验、热情,以及涉及复杂的政府工程项目的偶尔挫折。莫蒂默·唐尼(Mortimer Downey)概述了从空中交通管制现代化到全面改造海岸警卫队(Coast Guard)的几项昂贵的新任务,其中“紧急停车”方法可以让人感觉到如何从工作可以完成的角度寻找解决方案。从20世纪60年代开始,土地复垦的惊人成就使该国实际增长了22%。该国的小规模挑战了经济增长和国家安全,因此新加坡找到了独特的解决方案,包括将其航运和港口业务联网,以及将国防、警察和消防的情报指挥和控制结合起来。Joseph Bordogna告诉我们,“在考虑大规模、技术支持的工程系统时,您需要运用相同的愿景。从电网到网络,你需要了解人类和他们的机构。最近的一项国家科学基金倡议涉及地震模拟和建筑设计,最大限度地减少生命损失。玛丽·古德强调共享的最新标准的重要性。俄克拉荷马城爆炸后,“联邦官员在街道的一端,治安官和当地人在另一端。他们交流的方式是派跑步者。回到奥运会,因为每个小组都有自己的电信设备。不同的政府部门相互复制各自的工作,通常使用相互竞争的系统。good还鼓励从大制造商到小制造商的制造设计系统“涓涓细流”,以提高盈利能力。
课程简介: Panelists share their diverse experiences, enthusiasm, and occasional frustrations involving complex, government-based engineering projects. Mortimer Downey outlines several expensive, new undertakings – from air traffic control modernization to a total revamping of the Coast Guard – in which an “ESD approach could bring a sense of the possible…how to look for solutions from the perspective that the job can be done.” Pao Chuen (PC) Lui describes Singapore’s amazing feat of land reclamation – literally growing the country by 22% since the 1960s. The nation’s tiny size challenged economic growth and national security so Singapore found unique solutions, including networking its shipping and port business and integrating intelligence command and control for defense, police and fire. Joseph Bordogna tells us, “In considering large-scale, technologically enabled engineered systems, you need to exercise the same vision. From power grids to the web, you need to understand humans and their institutions.” A recent National Science Foundation initiative involved earthquake simulations and building designs that minimize loss of life. Mary Good stresses the importance of shared, up-to-date standards. After the Oklahoma City bombing, “federal officers were on one end of the street and sheriff and locals on the other. The way they communicated was by sending runners. It was back to the Olympics,” because each group had its own telecom equipment. Different government branches duplicate each other’s work, often using competing systems. Good also encourages the “trickle down” of manufacturing design systems from large to small manufacturers, to boost profitability.
关 键 词: 技术; 工程; 电信设备
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-07:yumf
阅读次数: 26