

The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_sheffi_re/  
主讲教师: Yossi Sheffi
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-07-18
课程语种: 英语
即使在911和卡特里娜飓风之后,Yossi Sheffi仍没有评估其组织在灾难中的脆弱性,他还是在企业主的船头开了一枪。谢菲列举了一些在灾难发生或发展未被发现时根本没有适当机制的组织的例子。他描述了手机制造商爱立信(Ericsson)的反应迟缓,当时一家重要的芯片供应商遭遇火灾,导致生产停止。竞争对手诺基亚很快找到了其他芯片的来源,所以当爱立信“醒来”时,“太晚了”,谢菲思说,“全球芯片供应已经消失”,索尼接管了爱立信手机的生产。谢菲说,警惕性有助于企业预测危机并在危机中生存下来。他说,“可以通过部署更好的检测方法(包括统计过程控制)和创建防御层(如航空业)来教组织更快地了解事情。”此外,企业还必须开发系统范围的冗余和灵活性,以便在发生重组时“能够重新投入行动”。例如,谢菲说,所有的英特尔工厂都是相同的,所以如果一家工厂关闭,人们可以毫不费力地转移到其他地方生产。谢菲回忆说,当一场暴风雪使路易斯维尔机场的一个UPS枢纽瘫痪,阻止当地工人开车上班时,UPS将其他工人从该系统的其他部分飞来。公司必须创造谢菲所说的“灵活性文化”,才能度过一个混乱时期。他呼吁进行持续的沟通,让公司上下的员工承担责任,并“调节”员工进行重大变革。事实上,他认为,灵活的企业不仅会度过一场大风暴,而且会增加扩大市场份额的机会,因为“快速应对混乱的能力也会加快对市场的反应速度”。
课程简介: Yossi Sheffi fires a shot across the bow of business owners who, even after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, still have not assessed their organizations’ vulnerability to catastrophe. Sheffi piles on examples of organizations that simply did not have the appropriate mechanisms in place when disaster struck or evolved undetected. He describes cell-phone maker Ericsson’s sluggish response when a vital chip supplier suffered a fire that stopped production. Rival Nokia quickly sought other chip sources, so when Ericsson “woke up… it was too late,” says Sheffi – “the world-wide supply of chips was gone,” and Sony took over manufacturing Ericsson phones. Vigilance helps firms anticipate and survive a crisis, says Sheffi. “An organization can be taught to know things faster,” he says, by deploying better detection methods, including statistical process control; and creating layers of defense, as in the airline industry. And corporations must also develop system-wide redundancy and agility, so they “can spring back into action” in case of a shake-up. For instance, says Sheffi, all Intel plants are identical, so people can move effortlessly into production elsewhere if one plant shuts down. Sheffi recalls that when a snowstorm paralyzed a UPS hub at the Louisville Airport, preventing local workers from driving to work, UPS flew other workers in from the rest of the system. Companies must generate what Sheffi calls “a flexibility culture” in order to get through a disruption. He calls for continuous communications; empowering workers up and down the organization to take responsibility; and “conditioning” employees for dramatic change. In fact, he believes nimble corporations will not merely ride out a major storm, but will have increased opportunities to expand market share, since “an ability to respond quickly to disruption also allows for speed in responding to the market.”
关 键 词: 业务; 企业协作; 人文; 文学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-16:杨雨(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 80