
Climate Change: The Economics of and Prospects for a Global Deal
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_stern_global/  
主讲教师: Sir Nicholas Stern
开课单位: 伦敦大学学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
从尼古拉斯•斯特恩(Nicholas Stern)的市场观点来看,气候变化构成了一种“外部性”,就像城市中心的交通网格锁一样,当一些人的行为影响到其他人的福利时,就会产生这种变化,而不会给犯罪者造成任何损失。斯特恩说,简单的价格机制可以解决交通拥堵问题,但他认为气候变化“是世界上见过的最大的市场失灵”,需要采取前所未有的措施来应对其潜在的灾难性、长期的全球影响。斯特恩是为英国政府准备的一份具有影响力和挑衅性的评论的作者,该评论描述了气候变化和发展的经济学。在这里,他用非技术术语概述了面临变暖的世界的关键问题、选择和潜在反应。科学模型表明,如果各国继续按照目前的路线前进,地球的二氧化碳水平将从今天的450百万分之一(ppm)左右上升到一个世纪后的800百万分之一以上。斯特恩说,这可能会带来5摄氏度的变化,伴随着风暴、干旱和海平面上升,这将引发大规模的人口迁移和“严重冲突”。虽然将这种情况的成本加起来几乎是不可想象的,但斯特恩对“破坏规模”的处理能力更强,即对经济和社会的破坏。活动性——3摄氏度可能会增加。如果我们设法将二氧化碳浓度稳定在550ppm,许多气候模型都认为这是一种增长。斯特恩认为,如果我们不采取行动将温室气体控制在这样一个目标,全球GDP每年的成本将永远超过5%。(如果低估了3o c增长的影响,成本可能会上升到GDP的20%或更多。)斯特恩说,如果各国认为这是“一个保险问题”,他们应该愿意将当前GDP的1%-2%投资于减少排放和在未来10-20年实现稳定。这是社会必须在碳定价、保护新技术和非碳基能源方面采取适当政策的时间表。斯特恩说,我们需要的是一项全球协议,一个指导世界各国的谅解框架。他的六点计划依赖于富裕国家承认他们有义务比发展中国家减少更多的碳排放量;资助开发和分享技术、解决森林砍伐的努力;以及帮助贫困国家适应变化的资金。斯特恩看到了一些证据,表明国际社会——也许甚至美国——正积极倾向于削减一项全球协议。
课程简介: From Nicholas Stern’s market perspective, climate change constitutes an “externality” that, like traffic grid lock in a city center, arises when some people’s actions affect the welfare of others, at no cost to the perpetrators. Simple price mechanisms can fix congestion, says Stern, but climate change, which he views as “the greatest market failure the world has ever seen,” requires unprecedented measures to contend with its potentially cataclysmic, long-term global impacts. Stern is the author of an influential and provocative review prepared for the British government describing the economics of climate change and development. Here he outlines, in non-technical jargon, the key issues, choices and potential responses of a world facing warming. Scientific modeling suggests that if nations continue on their present course, the Earth will move from CO2 levels of around 450 parts per million (ppm) today to over 800 ppm a century from now. That could bring a 5o C change, says Stern, accompanied by storms, droughts, and sea level rise, which would trigger massive human migration and “severe conflict.” While totting up the costs of such a scenario is nearly unimaginable, Stern has more of a handle on the “scale of damage” -- disruptions to economic and social activity -- a 3o C increase might inflict. This is the kind of increase that many climate models suggest will come if we manage to stabilize CO2levels at 550 ppm. Stern argues that if we don’t act to rein in greenhouse gases to such a target, the costs to the global GDP will exceed 5% each year, forever. (If the impacts of a 3o C increase have been underestimated, the costs might rise to 20% GDP, or more.) If nations think of this as “an insurance problem,” says Stern, they ought to be willing to invest 1%-2% of their current GDP in reducing emissions and achieving stabilization in the next 10-20 years. This is the timeframe societies have to put into play appropriate policies for carbon pricing, new technologies for conservation and non-carbon based energies. What’s needed, says Stern, is a global deal, a framework of understanding that guides all nations of the world. His six-point plan relies on rich nations acknowledging their obligation to reduce carbon emissions by greater amounts than developing nations; funding efforts to develop and share technologies, and to tackle deforestation; and monies to help needier nations adapt to change. Stern sees some evidence that the international community -- perhaps even the U.S. – is positively inclined toward cutting a global deal.
关 键 词: 气候变化; 外部性; 价格机制; 市场失灵; 人类迁徙
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-10-22:chenxin
阅读次数: 55