
How Did We Get Here?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_weinberg_here/  
主讲教师: Weinberg Robert A
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
罗伯特·温伯格描绘了200年的癌症研究历程,发现被忽视的旁道、错误的转向和惊人的进步。他从伦敦外科医生珀西瓦尔·波特(PercivalPott)开始,他注意到扫烟囱的人常常患上一种罕见的癌症。温伯格说,在欧洲,人们经常洗澡,这种癌症就不那么明显了,这导致了“公共文献中的第一个迹象,即一个人的生活经历与罕见癌症的发病率密切相关”。1910年,日本科学家katsusaburo yamigiwa将煤焦油涂在兔子的耳朵上,并产生了肿瘤,这导致人们认识到,人们可以通过实验诱发癌症,而不是等待它自发发生。“诺贝尔奖忽视了他,”Weinberg指出。其他类似的未被承认的科学家发现,将白血病组织转化为健康组织可以诱发癌症,而癌症可能是由传染病引起的。但温伯格说,这其中存在重大失误。在一个臭名昭著的事件中,一位丹麦诺贝尔奖得主的癌症研究被发现是错误的。当Howard M.Temin提出癌症起源于一种称为逆转录的非典型遗传过程时,他在1970年被排除在外,因为他和David Baltimore分别发现了这种过程的核心酶。接下来是尼克松政府的“癌症之战”,这场战争被攻击为欺诈性地浪费纳税人的钱,七年的人类肿瘤病毒搜索没有结果。然而,这个死胡同在80年代突然产生了科学上的污点,当时研究人员在正常细胞的DNA中发现了病毒致癌基因,这导致了恶性肿瘤。科学家们随后证明,通过改变正常的基因,它们也可以产生癌细胞。Weinberg说,生物化学的进步导致了对癌症发生方式的一个快速发展的概念化。“我们开始将癌症称为集成信号电路的畸变,如果我们只能理解它的设计,这将使我们能够恢复癌细胞的正常状态,或者优先杀死它。”
课程简介: Robert Weinberg plots the 200-year course of cancer research, finding neglected byways, wrong turns, and astonishing advances. He starts with Percival Pott, a London surgeon who noticed that chimney sweeps often developed a rare kind of cancer. In Europe, where people bathed more often, this cancer was much less evident, leading to “the first indication in public literature that there was a close correlation between one’s experience in life and the incidence of rare cancer,” says Weinberg. In 1910, Japanese scientist Katsusaburo Yamigiwa, painted coal tars onto the ears of rabbits and produced tumors, which “led to the realization that one can experimentally provoke cancer rather than wait for it to arise spontaneously.” He was “overlooked by Nobel,” Weinberg notes. Other similarly unrecognized scientists discovered that transferring leukemic tissue into healthy tissue could induce cancer, and that cancer could be caused by infectious disease. But there were major missteps, says Weinberg. In one notorious episode, a Danish Nobel Prize winner’s cancer research was discovered to be in error. And when Howard M. Temin suggested that cancer originated through an atypical genetic process called reverse transcription, he “was shunned as a pariah.” In 1970, Temin was vindicated as he and David Baltimore separately discovered an enzyme central to such a process. Next came the Nixon Administration’s ‘war on cancer,’ which was attacked as a fraudulent waste of taxpayers’ money when seven years of searching for viruses in human tumors produced no results. Yet this dead end suddenly yielded scientific pay dirt in the 80s, when researchers found viral ‘oncogenes’ in the DNA of normal cells, which caused malignancies. Scientists then demonstrated that by altering normal genes, they too could create cancerous cells. Advances in biochemistry have led to “a rapidly evolving conceptualization of how cancer occurs,” says Weinberg. “We’re beginning to talk about cancer as aberrations of an integrated signaling circuit, which if we could only understand its design…" would lead us to be able to restore normalcy to a cancer cell or preferentially, kill it.”
关 键 词: 癌症; 白血病组织; 感染性疾病; 恶性肿瘤
课程来源: 视频讲座课
最后编审: 2020-06-02:liqy
阅读次数: 36