
The Columbia Tragedy: System Level Issues for Engineering
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_widnall_tct/  
主讲教师: Sheila Widnall
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-01-26
课程语种: 英语
“错误的悲剧”决定了哥伦比亚号航天飞机的命运,也许最可恶的是美国宇航局的组织失误。Sheila Widnall于2003年2月在调查哥伦比亚号的毁灭事件的董事会任职,她可以描述技术故障,这些故障一刻一刻地导致了美国西部可怕的碎片痕迹。但调查委员会将这场灾难的根源追溯到了美国宇航局多年来的“无敌文化”。韦德纳尔说,出于好意的人对偏离规范的行为变得不敏感。NASA的管理人员处理过多次的反常现象,比如泡沫在起飞时撞到航天飞机上,比如维修周转事件。在哥伦比亚前沿的泡沫撞击防护砖导致重新进入的恐怖:超过5000华氏度的气体通过机翼的10英寸宽的后膛进入。熔化传感器和内部结构,使穿梭机失去控制。导致这一时刻的故障,既有工程系统故障,也有人类通信故障。威德纳尔和调查委员会建议对航天飞机飞行进行独立的安全监督;美国宇航局的领导层关注少数人的观点,不让日程安排或预算压力定义航天任务;以及将有权解决飞行技术和操作问题的工程师纳入常规工作中。
课程简介: Among the “tragedy of errors” that doomed the space shuttle Columbia, perhaps the most damning were NASA’s organizational blunders. Sheila Widnall served on the board investigating Columbia’s destruction in February, 2003, and she can describe the technical failures that led, moment by moment, to the ghastly trail of debris across the western United States. But the investigation board traced the roots of this disaster to NASA’s “culture of invincibility,” years in the making. Well-intentioned people, Widnall states, became desensitized to deviations from the norm. NASA managers treated repeated anomalies -- such as foam smashing into shuttle tiles on take off -- as “maintenance turnaround events.” Foam striking protective tiles on the leading edge of Columbia’s wing led to the horrors of re-entry: gases in excess of 5000 degrees F entered through a possibly 10-inch-wide breech in the wing, melting sensors and internal structure, sending the shuttle out of control. The failures that led to this moment, are both engineering system failures, and human communication failures. Widnall and the investigation board recommend independent safety oversight for shuttle flights; NASA leadership that heeds minority points of view and doesn’t let scheduling or budget pressures define space missions; and routine inclusion of engineers who have the right to address both technological and operational issues of a flight.
关 键 词: 组织失误; 技术故障; 规范的偏差; 安全监督
课程来源: 视频讲座课
最后编审: 2020-06-02:liqy
阅读次数: 73