
The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces: Anticipating a New Golden Age
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wilczek_lb/  
主讲教师: Frank Wilczek
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-08-25
课程语种: 英语
听弗兰克·威尔茨克描述他的研究,人们可能不认识简单的英语单词,因为它们在物理学的语境中具有不熟悉的含义。粒子、力和方程的欺骗性词汇包括“向上”、“向下”、“味道”、“颜色”、“奇怪”、“一切”,以及令人信服的“美丽”。严谨的科学是用诗歌和隐喻传达的。这次演讲的跳板是威尔茨克新书的最后一章,《存在的轻盈:质量、以太和力量的统一》。从历史意义上讲,他首先触及了20世纪的突破,这些突破引发了概念革命:1910年的相对论;1925年的量子力学;1970年的标准物质模型。然后他又提到了粒子物理学的当前探索以及日内瓦附近大型强子对撞机(LHC)的前景。正如Wilczek发现“标准模型”对于它在物理学中所代表的概念过于谦虚,而将其简化为“核心理论”,同样,他也更新了“以太”的古老概念,更准确地将其命名为“网格”,以暗示宇宙的基本结构材料。至于检查矛盾的“动态空隙”,Wilczek解释说,“要想看到某些东西,你必须干扰它。”LHC实验试图为统一场理论的计算提供实质性内容,寻求将重力、电磁、弱力、强力四个基本相互作用和谐地结合起来。大型强子对撞机是逻辑上的继承者,它将人眼的能力扩展到了列文虎克17世纪的光学显微镜和罗莎琳德富兰克林1952年的DNA X射线图像。作为“一种超光学纳米显微镜”,它将视觉推进到新的尺度和分辨率极限(时间和空间)。通过对周围27公里的隧道中的大爆炸情况的虚拟再现,调查人员努力理解最深处空间的性质,正如威尔茨克所说的“现实的深层结构”。他无意自相矛盾地说,大型强子对撞机将拍摄“我们感觉似乎是虚无的东西”。Ss.他强调,大型强子对撞机不仅在具体尺寸上是巨大的,而且在工程和概念的各个方面都是巨大的,“在全球100个站点上宣扬其分布式计算设施为‘类固醇互联网’。作为一名理论科学家,Wilczek希望高能量、加速的质子能相互碰撞。为了揭示新的亚原子粒子,支持力的统一,并证实了他的超对称性假设。作为一个好奇的人,他怀着深深的惊奇和感激接受了这一巨大的努力。最后,他提出,“如果你愿意进行投资来拓展你的思维,那么现在是一个令人兴奋的思考时刻!”&
课程简介: Listening to Frank Wilczek describe his research, one might not recognize simple English words, for they assume unfamiliar meanings in the context of physics. The deceptive lexicon of particles, forces and equations includes “up,” “down,” “flavor,” “color,” “strange,” “everything,” and the compelling “beautiful.” Rigorous science is conveyed in poetry and metaphor. The springboard for this presentation is the final chapter of Wilczek’s new book, The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces. For a sense of history, he first touches on breakthroughs of the 20th century that gave rise to conceptual revolutions: 1910 – theory of relativity; 1925 – quantum mechanics; 1970 – standard model of normal matter. He then broaches current exploration in particle physics and the promise residing in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva. Just as Wilczek finds “standard model” too modest a designation for what it represents in physics – redubbing it “core theory” – likewise he upgrades the archaic notion of “ether,” more precisely naming it “the grid” to connote the essential structural material of the universe. As to examining the oxymoronic “dynamic void,” Wilczek explains that “to see something, you must disturb it.” LHC experiments seek to give substance to the calculations of unified field theory, the quest to combine harmoniously the four fundamental interactions – gravity, electromagnetism, weak force, strong force. The LHC is the logical successor, extending the capability of the human eye, to Leeuwenhoek’s 17th century optical microscope and Rosalind Franklin’s 1952 x-ray images of DNA. As “an ultrastroboscopic nanomicroscope,” it advances seeing to new extremes of scale and resolution (temporally and spatially). Through a virtual recreation of Big Bang conditions in a tunnel of 27 kilometers circumference, investigators endeavor to understand the nature of innermost space…as Wilczek terms it, “the deep structure of reality.” He intends no paradox in saying that the LHC will take pictures of “what appears to our senses as nothingness.” He emphasizes that the LHC is grand not only in concrete size but also “in every aspect of engineering and concept,” touting its distributed computing facilities at 100 sites around the globe as “the Internet on steroids.” As a theoretical scientist, Wilczek hopes highly energized, accelerated protons will collide to reveal new subatomic particles, bolster the unification of forces, and confirm his postulate of supersymmetry. As a curious human, he embraces this massive effort with profound wonder and gratitude. In closing, he offers that “If you’re willing to make the investment to expand your mind, it’s an exciting time to be a thinking being!”
关 键 词: 粒子; 量子力学; 大型强子对撞机; 重力; 电磁力; 弱力; 强力
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-07:yumf
阅读次数: 55