
Leadership in a Complex, Technology-Driven World
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_williams_langer_metcalfe_sharp_...  
主讲教师: Robert Metcalfe; Langer Robert S ; Rosalind Williams; Sharp Phillip A
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
这三位顶尖的技术专家建议,有时实现领导能力的最佳方式是追求愿景或实现个人目标。罗伯特·兰格承认,“我不倾向于把自己看作一个领导者。我有一些简单的想法;我只是想看看我是否能做些好事,并从中获得满足感。“他认为自己很幸运在哈佛医学院找到了一份工作,这使他能够将工程学应用于医疗问题。“我想看看我们是否能做出有助于改善人们健康的事情。”他将自己的一些领导层学习归因于多年来在获得赠款方面的努力,有一种情况是,他与美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)进行了17年的斗争,以支持一种新型的药物输送系统(2002年,兰格被授予查尔斯•斯塔克•德雷珀奖)。Robert Metcalfe说,“我们对创新领导力的理想化,这很可爱。但敌人是现状,它机智且决心战胜创新。梅特卡夫的个人风格是他成功的关键。他在20世纪80年代与IBM开战,“当时我有一项比他们更好的发明,他们把他们所有的垄断资源都扔给了我。“我独自一人,被包围着,我打败了他们。”梅特卡夫说,“为了与现状抗衡,你必须让人讨厌。”诺贝尔奖得主菲利普·夏普提醒道,不要忘记闲聊和团队合作,他在麻省理工学院的学术队伍中获得了很多知识,并与外部公司合作。“我喜欢设定一个目标,我希望看到这项技术做到这一点,或者这个科学问题得到了解答。”他说,“虽然你必须设定目标并抓住机遇,但你还需要将最佳人才吸引到你的环境中,并让他人参与游戏。”夏普说,这些都是他学到的技能。学校体育。
课程简介: Sometimes the best way to achieve leadership is by pursuing a vision or meeting some personal goals, these three top-flight technologists suggest. Robert Langer admits, “I don’t tend to think of myself as a leader. I have simple ideas; I just want to see if I can do some good, and get satisfaction out of that.” He counts himself lucky to have gotten a job at Harvard Medical School, which allowed him to apply engineering to medical problems. “I wanted to see if we could make things that might help improve people’s health.” He attributes some of his leadership learning to years of struggle in acquiring grant money—in one case a 17-year battle with the NIH to back a novel drug delivery system (for which Langer was awarded the Charles Stark Draper Prize in 2002). Says Robert Metcalfe, “We have an idealization of innovative leadership—that it’s lovely. But the enemy is the status quo, and it’s resourceful and determined to defeat innovation.” Metcalfe’s personal style figures in his successes. He went to war against IBM in the 1980s, “when I had an invention that was better than what they had, and they threw all their monopoly resources against me. I was alone and surrounded and I beat them.” To make progress against the status quo, Metcalfe states, “you have to be obnoxious.” Don’t forget schmoozing and team playing, reminds Nobel Laureate Phillip Sharp, who acquired much of his savvy moving through academic ranks at MIT and partnering with outside firms. “I like to set a goal – that I’d like to see this technology do that, or this scientific question answered.” While you must set goals and seize opportunities, he says, you also need to attract optimal talents to your environment and “get others to play the game.” These are skills, Sharp says, he learned in high school sports.
关 键 词: 实现领导; 工程医疗问题; 新型药物输送系统; 垄断资源
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-07:yumf
阅读次数: 63