
Religion and American Politics
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wolfe_rap/  
主讲教师: Alan Wolfe
开课单位: 波士顿大学
开课时间: 2012-02-25
课程语种: 英语
沃尔夫坚决否认美国正在兴起神权政治。在他对国家当前基督教复兴的丰富而详细的访问中,他着重于两个截然不同的运动。沃尔夫说:“原教旨主义者背弃文化,他们可以长大,永远不会遇到不分享信仰的人。”但是,福音派基督徒“感到有义务参与其中,尽管这种参与可能令人恼火,但这意味着福音派必须被现代性所诱惑。”Wolfe相信,这对自由主义价值观是个好消息,因为更多参与当代文化的福音派运动更占主导地位。他描述了美国Exurbs大教堂的爆炸式增长,在那里成千上万的聚集者聚集在一起聆听基督教摇滚乐和关于爱耶稣和彼此的信息。虽然他们被公开的宗教信仰所阻,但他们仍然谈论罪恶。然而,对舞蹈等活动的严格禁止正开始逐渐消失。基督教书店的畅销书(在Rick Warren的《目标驱动的生活》之后)往往是减肥书,比如他喜欢的Slim。沃尔夫认为美国人受文化和宗教的影响,当两种冲突发生时,“文化几乎总是胜利的”,他对基督教右派甚至道德价值观赢得2004年乔治·布什总统选举的观点不予理睬,并对“我们正朝着原教旨主义的方向转向反对现代性”的观点提出异议。Gious Revival。“他认为,一小群基督教说客在干细胞研究等问题上影响了当前的政府,国会无耻地迎合了这些团体,而不是为美国基督徒说话,Wolfe说,他们和基督徒一样是美国人。”
课程简介: Alan Wolfe vigorously denies that a theocracy is rising in the United States. In his richly detailed tour of the nation’s current Christian revival, he focuses on two very different movements. “Fundamentalists turn their back on culture; they can grow up and never meet anyone who doesn’t share their faith,” says Wolfe. But evangelical Christians “feel an obligation to engage, and as annoying as that engagement can be, it means that evangelicals have to be seduced by modernity.” This is good news for liberal values, believes Wolfe, because the evangelical movement, which participates more in contemporary culture, is far more dominant. He describes the explosive growth of mega-churches in American exurbs, where thousands of congregants flock to hear Christian rock music and messages about loving Jesus and each other. While they’re “put off by overt religiosity,” they still talk about sin. Yet strict prohibitions against such activities as dancing are starting to fade. The bestselling books at Christian book stores (after Rick Warren’s The Purpose-Driven Life) tend to be diet books such as Slim for Him. Wolfe believes Americans are shaped by culture and religion, and when the two clash, “culture almost always wins.” He dismisses the notion that the Christian right or even moral values won the 2004 election for George Bush, and disputes the idea that “we’re turning against modernity in the direction of a fundamentalist religious revival.” He believes that a small clique of Christian lobbyists have influenced the current administration around such issues as stem cell research, and that Congress is shamelessly pandering to these groups, rather than speaking for American Christians, who, says Wolfe “are as American as they are Christian.”
关 键 词: 自由主义; 基督教; 宗教复兴; 教旨主义
课程来源: 视频讲座课
最后编审: 2020-06-15:heyf
阅读次数: 55