
A New Kind of Science
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_wolfram_anko/  
主讲教师: Stephen Wolfram
开课单位: Wolfram研究中心
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
斯蒂芬·沃尔夫拉姆(Stephen Wolfram)想知道,有一个小小的计算机程序可以作为我们宇宙的一个精确的终极模型,这难道不令人兴奋吗?如果您运行程序足够长的时间,它将重现发生的每一件事情。Wolfram的演讲以某种方式将他长达1200页的作品《一种新的科学》(Opus,一种新的科学)封装在一个小时内,这并不是不可能的。Wolfram的大量深入研究使用简单的计算来生成与自然界中的设计相似的复杂计算机模型。从软体动物外壳上的图案、树叶和雪花的形状,到自由意志、进化和地外生命,他接受真正的大主题和真正的小主题。这种新的思维方式可能为解释不同形式的生命如何出现提供了进化的替代方案。沃尔夫拉姆认为他的工作已经改变了科学研究,并使一系列新技术成为可能。
课程简介: Wouldn’t it be exciting, Stephen Wolfram wonders, to have a little computer program that could function as a precise, ultimate model of our universe? If you ran the program long enough, it would reproduce every single thing that happens. It’s not out of the question, according to Wolfram’s lecture which somehow encapsulates his 1,200-page opus, A New Kind of Science, in a single hour. Wolfram’s vast and penetrating research uses simple computations to generate complex computer models that resemble designs found in nature. He embraces the really big subjects, and the really small ones—from patterns on mollusk shells and the shapes of leaves and snowflakes, to free will, evolution, and extra-terrestrial life. This new kind of thinking might provide alternatives to evolution in explaining how different forms of life emerged. Wolfram believes his work is already transforming the study of science, as well as making possible a host of new technologies.  
关 键 词: 计算机程序; 软体动物; 自由意志; 演化; 外星生命
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-07:yumf
阅读次数: 95