
The Art of Mobility
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mum09_rieser_aofm/  
主讲教师: Martin Rieser
开课单位: 蒙特福特大学
开课时间: 2010-02-01
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: Screen cultures today are dominated by narrative and its modes of framing. The advent of “Pervasive” or “Ubiquitous” media such as mobile smartphones with GPS sensing means that new dispersed forms of narrative interaction are now possible for the public. The convergence of mobile technologies and ubiquitous computing are creating a world where information-rich environments may be mapped directly onto urban topologies. Dispersed forms of interaction raise intriguing new questions about the nature of narrative and communication, particularly in relation to modes of audience’s participation and reception. This new and experimental work, so far undertaken in the arena of interactive public art or spatialised interaction through mobile technologies, is in pressing need of exploration, definition, and documentation. Emergent technologies of interaction and the changing nature of public interactive engagement present a radical challenge to Western narrative and its vehicles and traditions. Boundaries between established forms (i.e., games and cinema) are thrown into question and the very concept of creative authorship becomes problematic. Whilst other emerging technologies are already redefining existing forms of screen‐based exhibition and reception (interactive television and digital cinema), they still tie down the audience in relation to the screen. Locative technology blurs the borders between physical and virtual space, leading to the redefinition of the concept of the virtual from that of simulation to that of augmentation. This poses a series of questions around changing concepts of space and place for a wide range of traditional disciplines, ranging from Anthropology, Art and Architecture, Computer Studies, Cultural and Media Studies, Fashion to Graphic design. The talk will be illustrated by examples from Rieser's recent practice, including The Third Woman interactive mobile film.
关 键 词: 屏幕文化; 移动技术; 移动通信技术; 互动参与
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-05-30:张荧(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 72