
Fast Subtree Kernels on Graphs
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/nips09_shervashidze_fsk/  
主讲教师: Nino Shervashidze
开课单位: 马克斯普朗克研究所
开课时间: 2009-12-09
课程语种: 英语
在本文中,我们提出了图上的快速子树内核。在具有n个节点、m个边和最大度数d的图上,这些比较高度h子树的核可以用o(m h)计算,而由ramon&gä;rtner的经典子树核可称为o(n24dh)。这种效率的关键是观察到图理论中的魏斯费勒-雷曼同构检验优雅地将子树内核作为副产品进行计算。我们的快速子树内核可以处理标记图,易于扩展为大型图,并且在准确性和运行时方面优于多个分类基准数据集的最新图形内核。
课程简介: In this article, we propose fast subtree kernels on graphs. On graphs with n nodes and m edges and maximum degree d, these kernels comparing subtrees of height h can be computed in O(mh), whereas the classic subtree kernel by Ramon & Gärtner scales as O(n24dh). Key to this efficiency is the observation that the Weisfeiler-Lehman test of isomorphism from graph theory elegantly computes a subtree kernel as a byproduct. Our fast subtree kernels can deal with labeled graphs, scale up easily to large graphs and outperform state-of-the-art graph kernels on several classification benchmark datasets in terms of accuracy and runtime.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 机器学习; 核方法
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-01-08:yumf
阅读次数: 27