
21L.002 Foundations of Western Culture II (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-002-foundations-of-west...  
主讲教师: Prof. Mary Fuller
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
21L.001的补充。对文本的广泛调查 - 文学,哲学和社会学 - 研究追踪世俗人文主义的发展,失去对人类事件的超自然观点,以及改变个人,社会和社区目的的观念。强调对代表我们时代共同文化财产的文本的欣赏和分析。报名有限。 HASS-D,CI。本学期的阅读材料包括政治理论和演说,自传,诗歌和科幻小说,都反映了战争,战争动机,和解与记忆。阅读主要围绕三个历史时刻组织:文艺复兴和欧美之间的第一次接触(Machiavelli,Corté s,Sahagú n);欧洲革命时代(伏尔泰,布莱克,威廉姆斯);美国内战和废除奴隶制(斯托,惠特曼,林肯)。二十世纪的读物包括洛厄尔和沃尔科特的诗歌以及奥达特杰和奥斯的小说。卡。
课程简介: Complementary to 21L.001. A broad survey of texts - literary, philosophical, and sociological - studied to trace the growth of secular humanism, the loss of a supernatural perspective upon human events, and changing conceptions of individual, social, and communal purpose. Stresses appreciation and analysis of texts that came to represent the common cultural possession of our time. Enrollment limited. HASS-D, CI. Readings this semester ranging from political theory and oratory to autobiography, poetry, and science fiction reflect on war, motives for war, reconciliation and memory. The readings are largely organized around three historical moments: the Renaissance and first contacts between Europe and America (Machiavelli, Cortés, Sahagún); the European age of revolutions (Voltaire, Blake, Williams); the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery (Stowe, Whitman, Lincoln). Readings from the twentieth-century include poetry by Lowell and Walcott and fiction by Ondaatje and O.S. Card.
关 键 词: 文学; 哲学; 社会学; 超自然的角度; 共同文化财产
课程来源: MIT Course
最后编审: 2015-09-14:sjb
阅读次数: 44