

21L.010 Writing with Shakespeare (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-010-writing-with-shakes...  
主讲教师: Prof. Diana Henderson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
威廉莎士比亚没有上大学。如果他像Dr. Who一样时间旅行,他会惊讶地发现他在大学教学大纲中的话。然而,他对我们在这堂课中使用这些词语的方式并不感到惊讶,因为修辞学的研究对他那个时代的所有教育都至关重要。在牛津大学,威廉·加格认为,戏剧允许本科生“尝试他们的声音并确认他们的记忆,并构建他们的演讲并使其符合方便的行动”:换句话说,戏剧是有用的。莎士比亚的剧作家托马斯海伍德同样回忆说:在我住在剑桥的时候,我看过悲剧,喜剧,历史,田园风光和表演,公开表演和嘻哈;这对于他们的初级学者的鼓励,以及大胆,反对他们来参加任何公共活动,如阅读辩证法,修辞学,伦理学,数学,物理学或形而上学讲座。这种做法使学生能够“构建足够的论据来证明他的问题,或捍卫任何公理,以区分任何困境,并能够在任何论证中进行调节”。 (演员道歉,1612)。在本课程中,我们将使用莎士比亚自己的话语来“武装大胆”。以及在言语和写作方面提出逻辑,引人注目的论点的类似能力。莎士比亚用他的耳朵和眼睛学习以流行的戏剧形式向公众讲故事的工艺。他还出版了两首长篇叙事诗,他致力于贵族,并写了十四行诗,以“分享他的私人朋友”。 (弗朗西斯·梅雷斯在他的Palladis Tamia,1598年写道)。为了适应不同的观众和场合,改变他的风格,并从他所阅读的内容中大量借鉴,莎士比亚仍然发现了他自己的声音–以至于他的话现在正如他的剧作家Ben Jonson所预言的那样,“不是一个时代,但一直都是。“阅读,倾听,分析,欣赏,批评,记忆:我们将以多种方式接触这些词语,并将看到词语如何成为思想,思想习惯,情感指标和改变世界的手段。
课程简介: William Shakespeare didn't go to college. If he time-traveled like Dr. Who, he would be stunned to find his words on a university syllabus. However, he would not be surprised at the way we will be using those words in this class, because the study of rhetoric was essential to all education in his day. At Oxford, William Gager argued that drama allowed undergraduates "to try their voices and confirm their memories, and to frame their speech and conform it to convenient action": in other words, drama was useful. Shakespeare's fellow playwright Thomas Heywood similarly recalled: In the time of my residence in Cambridge, I have seen Tragedies, Comedies, Histories, Pastorals and Shows, publicly acted…: this is held necessary for the emboldening of their Junior scholars, to arm them with audacity, against they come to be employed in any public exercise, as in the reading of Dialectic, Rhetoric, Ethic, Mathematic, the Physic, or Metaphysic Lectures. Such practice made a student able to "frame a sufficient argument to prove his questions, or defend any axioma, to distinguish of any Dilemma and be able to moderate in any Argumentation whatsoever" (Apology for Actors, 1612). In this class, we will use Shakespeare's own words to arm you "with audacity" and a similar ability to make logical, compelling arguments, in speech and in writing. Shakespeare used his ears and eyes to learn the craft of telling stories to the public in the popular form of theater. He also published two long narrative poems, which he dedicated to an aristocrat, and wrote sonnets to share "among his private friends" (so wrote Francis Meres in his Palladis Tamia, 1598). Varying his style to suit different audiences and occasions, and borrowing copiously from what he read, Shakespeare nevertheless found a voice all his own–so much so that his words are now, as his fellow playwright Ben Jonson foretold, "not of an age, but for all time." Reading, listening, analyzing, appreciating, criticizing, remembering: we will engage with these words in many ways, and will see how words can become ideas, habits of thought, indicators of emotion, and a means to transform the world.
关 键 词: 威廉莎士比亚; 戏剧允许本科生; 修辞学
课程来源: MIT Course
最后编审: 2015-09-25:linxl
阅读次数: 28