

21L.470 Eighteenth-Century Literature: Versions of the Self in 18th-C Britain (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-470-eighteenth-century-...  
主讲教师: Prof. Noel Jackson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
当约翰洛克(1690年关于人类理解的论文)宣称知识完全来自经验时,他提出了这样一种可能性,即人类的理解和认同不是上帝的意志或不可改变的自然法则的产物,而是个人历史的产物。和背景。如果一方面洛克的理论导致一些人宣称个人可以决定他们自己的生活方式,然而,我们是我们经验的产品的想法同样容易支持我们的信念,即我们只不过是机器在生活中的表现他们的命运我们无法控制。该课程将在“十八世纪的长篇世纪”的文献中追踪该问题的形成以及对该问题的各种反应。阅读材料将广泛涵盖各种类型,从抒情诗和小说到日记条目,哲学散文和政治散文,包括Alexander Pope,Jonathan Swift,Mary Astell,David Hume,Laurence Sterne,Olaudah Equiano,Mary Hays和Mary的文章。雪莱。讨论的主题包括性别认同的建构;社会中的个人;想象力和诗人的作品。将有两篇论文,一篇5-6页,一篇8-10页,以及所需的演示文稿。
课程简介: When John Locke declared (in the 1690 Essay Concerning Human Understanding) that knowledge was derived solely from experience, he raised the possibility that human understanding and identity were not the products of God's will or of immutable laws of nature so much as of one's personal history and background. If on the one hand Locke's theory led some to pronounce that individuals could determine the course of their own lives, however, the idea that we are the products of our experience just as readily supported the conviction that we are nothing more than machines acting out lives whose destinies we do not control. This course will track the formulation of that problem, and a variety of responses to it, in the literature of the "long eighteenth century." Readings will range widely across genre, from lyric poetry and the novel to diary entries, philosophical prose, and political essays, including texts by Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Mary Astell, David Hume, Laurence Sterne, Olaudah Equiano, Mary Hays, and Mary Shelley. Topics to be discussed include the construction of gender identities; the individual in society; imagination and the poet's work. There will be two essays, one 5-6 pages and one 8-10 pages in length, and required presentations.
关 键 词: 人类理解论; 跟踪问题的制定; 性别身份建构
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2015-09-22:linxl
阅读次数: 41