
Turing´s Pilot ACE: Why Not Important?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/turing100_brooks_pilot_ace/  
主讲教师: Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
开课单位: 北卡罗来纳大学
开课时间: 2012-09-10
课程语种: 英语
Alan Turing对计算理论的贡献无与伦比。在这里,我们不仅要看看他的计算机——国家物理实验室的试点工程——的体系结构和实现。从架构上讲,ace是“不干净”机器的缩影。这是可以理解的,考虑到图灵和团队的既定目标:用尽可能少的设备构建一台运行中的计算机。因此,体系结构直接从实现和所选技术开始。该体系结构与Burks、Goldstine和von Neumann在《电子计算仪器逻辑设计的初步讨论》(1946)中提出的体系结构有很大的不同。它引入了几个重要的新概念。最重要的是使用链式指令,而不是顺序指令,以使指令和数据在串行主存储器中得到最佳位置。每条指令都包含下一条指令的(高度缩写)地址。这一技术通过流行的IBM650(1954)变得很熟悉。第二个重要的创新是将一个大小可变的字块的一条指令传输到/从后台存储。I/O规定在日期上是例外的,大大提高了机器的实用性。一些体系结构决策似乎被忽视了,比如将乘法委托给一个子例程。Wilkes对台式计算机的科学计算有着丰富的经验,这使他能够更好地直觉地掌握操作相对频率,因此他的EDSAC并没有体现出这一错误。ACE还体现了一种(普遍的)错误,即根本低估了对主存储器的需求,并为超出最初负担能力的大小提供了足够的地址。NPL在实现这台机器时遇到了各种各样的问题,因此它直到1950年10月才开始工作,直到1951年5月才开始使用,这是在Kilburn's Manchester Baby(1948)和Wilkes's Cambridge Edsac(1949)之后的近两年。多年来,它一直是一台使用良好的科学计算机,并催生了后代:英国的电子王牌,电子战,本迪克斯(后来的CDC)G-15和G-20。
课程简介: Alan Turing’s contribution to the theory of computing is unmatched. Here we look beyond that, at the architecture and implementation of his proposed computer, the National Physical Laboratory’s Pilot ACE. Architecturally, the ACE is the very epitome of an “unclean” machine. This is understandable, given the stated objectives of Turing and the team: to build a running computer with a little equipment as possible. Hence the architecture follows directly from the implementation and the technologies chosen. The architecture represents a wide deviation from that proposed in Burks, Goldstine, and von Neumann’s “Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronic Computing Instrument” (1946). It introduces several important new concepts. The most important is the use of chained instructions rather than sequential ones, to enable optimum placement of instructions and data in the serial main memory. Each instruction contains the (highly abbreviated) address of the next instruction. This technique became familiar via the popular IBM 650 (1954) A second important innovation is the one-instruction transfer of a variable-sized block of words to/from the backing store. The I/O provisions are exceptional for the date and substantially enhanced the usefulness of the machine. Some architectural decisions seem quite ill-considered, such as the delegation of multiplication to a subroutine. Wilkes’ deep experience with scientific computing on desk calculators gave him a better instinctive grasp of operation relative frequencies, so his EDSAC didn’t embody this mistake. The ACE also embodies the (universal) mistake of radically underestimating the need for main memory and the provision of adequate addressing for sizes quite beyond the initially affordable. NPL had various troubles realizing the machine, so it didn’t operate until October, 1950, and couldn’t be harnessed for use until May, 1951, almost two years after Kilburn’s Manchester Baby (1948) and Wilkes’s Cambridge EDSAC (1949). It served as a well-used scientific computer for some years, and spawned descendents: the English Electric ACE, the EE Deuce, the Bendix (later CDC) G-15 and G-20.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 人工智能; 计算机; 历史; 王牌
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-03:魏雪琼(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 66