
Web Rhetoric: Intentionality and textuality on the web pages of insurance and reinsurance companies
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/web_kyrtsis_rhetoric/  
主讲教师: Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis
开课单位: 雅典大学
开课时间: 2012-03-24
课程语种: 英语
组织中的语篇中介源于一种意图,即为了将信号的接受者引导到特定的思维和行动模式中,而形成思想框架并激发情感。组织理论家Franç;ois cooren所讨论的这一方面意味着组织内部的修辞。然而,商业组织并不仅仅依赖于内部的言辞。为了创造新的市场动态,或者为了利用现有的市场动态,需要发展外部修辞。企业必须向客户(或客户)发送信号,并动员其各种业务伙伴(股东和其他债权人向构成其特定组织间环境的供应商和供应商)。商业和公众之间的联系总是有一个修辞方面的。广告和各种语言和视觉标志使这一点变得明显。
课程简介: Textual agency in organizations originates form the intention to frame minds and stimulate emotions in order to drive the recipients of signals to certain modes of thought and action. This aspect discussed by the organizational theorist François Cooren, implies intraorganizational rhetoric. However, business organizations do not solely rely on internal rhetoric. In order to create new market dynamics, or in order to exploit the existing ones, there is a need for developing external rhetoric. Firms must send signals to the customers (or clients), and mobilize their various business partners (from shareholders and other creditors to the suppliers and providers which constitute their specific inter-organizational environment). There was always a rhetorical aspect in the interconnection between businesses and the public. Advertisement and various verbal and visual signs made this apparent.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 互联网; 万维网; 业务
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-04-09:cjy
阅读次数: 20