
Video Search: Are Algorithms All We Need?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/www2010_ubois_vsa/  
主讲教师: Jamie Davidson, Jeff Ubois, Hans Westerhof, Paul Over, Marko Grobelnik
开课单位: 美国国家标准与技术研究所
开课时间: 2010-05-17
课程语种: 英语
在 20世纪90年代, 搜索技术得到了充分改进, 可以处理大量的文本材料, 而不需要人工提取、索引和编目。将专业编目人员排除在文本索引的过程中, 创造了巨大的价值;在2010年代, 视频也在进行类似的进展。但是, 如何以及何时才能将专业人员从手动视频编目过程中带走呢?我们如何期望不同的视频搜索和搜索 ui 方法的发展, 以及哪些方法将被证明是最有用的?通过让我们所有的广播历史像现在的书籍、期刊文章和报纸一样容易获得, 我们能收获什么样的社会价值?w3c 如何帮助制定适当的视频描述和搜索标准?对这些问题的答复和辩论将是该小组的重点, 该小组的代表来自一些最大的、浏览最多的、经过仔细索引的数字视频收藏可在网上查阅。
课程简介: During the 1990s, search technology improved sufficiently to handle large volumes of textual material without the need for manual abstracting, indexing, and cataloging. Taking professional cataloguers out of the process of text indexing created enormous value; an analogous set of advances is underway with video in the 2010s. But how and when will it be possible to take professionals out of the process of cataloging video manually? How can we expect different approaches to video search and search UI to evolve, and which ones will prove most useful? What kind of societal value can we reap by making making all of our broadcast history as readily accessible as books, journal articles, and newspapers are now? How can the W3C help with the development of appropriate standards for video description and search? Answers to and debate about these questions will be the focus of this panel, which has representatives from some of the largest, most viewed, and carefully indexed collections of digital video available online.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 搜索引擎; 计算机; 多媒体
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-12:邬启凡(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 45