第20讲 - 原子理论的兴起(1790至1805年)

Lecture 20 - Rise of the Atomic Theory (1790-1805)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalechem125f08_mcbride_lec20/  
主讲教师: J. Michael McBride
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-06-10
课程语种: 英语
本讲座追溯了元素分析作为一种技术的发展, 以确定有机化合物的成分开始, 从拉沃西耶的早期燃烧和发酵实验开始, 这表明了一种新的, 如果没有 ï 的态度, 对处理实验数据。道尔顿的原子理论与确定、等价和多重比例的经验定律是一致的。我们目前的符号和精确分析的基础是由 berzelius 建立的, 但关于原子量倍数的混乱, 可以通过阿沃加德罗和盖伊-卢萨克定律及早澄清, 将持续半个多世纪。阅读作业: 阅读作业、问题集、powerpoint 演示文稿和本讲座的其他资源可从麦克布赖德教授的校园课程网站访问, 该网站是为他2008年秋季学生开发的。请参阅下面的参考资料部分。
课程简介: This lecture traces the development of elemental analysis as a technique for the determination of the composition of organic compounds beginning with Lavoisier's early combustion and fermentation experiments, which showed a new, if naïve, attitude toward handling experimental data. Dalton's atomic theory was consistent with the empirical laws of definite, equivalent, and multiple proportions. The basis of our current notation and of precise analysis was established by Berzelius, but confusion about atomic weight multiples, which could have been clarified early by the law of Avogadro and Gay-Lussac, would persist for more than half a century. Problem sets/Reading assignment: Reading assignments, problem sets, PowerPoint presentations, and other resources for this lecture can be accessed from Professor McBride's on-campus course website, which was developed for his Fall 2008 students. Please see Resources section below.
关 键 词: 化学; 有机化学; 原子理论
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-23:liyy
阅读次数: 66