23讲 - 协作和阻力在二战

Lecture 23 - Collaboration and Resistance in World War II
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehist202f08_merriman_lec23/  
主讲教师: John Merriman
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-04-16
课程语种: 英语
与其他国家一样, 二战期间在法国合作的主要误区之一是, 国内合作者不顾自己的情况这样做, 或防止更大的暴行。事实上, 许多法国人、比利时人、匈牙利人、波兰人、荷兰人和其他人自愿和热情地怂恿占领德国人。这种合作受到反犹太主义和仇外心理的启发, 往往导致对犹太国民、共产党人和其他人的极端热心迫害。除了不愿意合作的神话外, 法国还不得不面对部分由获胜的戴高乐颁布的广泛抵抗的神话。关于合作和抵抗的许多问题至今仍未在以前被占领的欧洲国家解决。阅读作业: 布朗宁, 克里斯托弗。普通人梅里曼, 约翰。现代欧洲的历史: 从文艺复兴到现在, 1157-1206 页电影: au revoir les enfants
课程简介: One of the principal myths concerning collaboration during World War II in France, as in other countries, is that the domestic collaborators did so despite themselves, or to prevent even greater atrocities. In fact, many French, Belgians, Hungarians, Poles, Dutch and others voluntarily and enthusiastically abetted the occupying Germans. This collaboration, inspired by anti-Semitism and xenophobia, often resulted in extremely zealous persecution of Jewish nationals, communists, and others. Along with the myth of reluctant collaboration, France has also been obliged to confront the myth of widespread resistance, promulgated in part by a victorious Charles de Gaulle. Many questions concerning collaboration and resistance still remain unresolved in formerly occupied European countries to this day. Reading assignment: Browning, Christopher. Ordinary Men Merriman, John. A History of Modern Europe: From the Renaissance to the Present, pp. 1157-1206 Film: Au Revoir les Enfants
关 键 词: 人文; 历史; 二战
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:邬启凡(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 55