
讲座3 - 中央集权的国家和共和国

Lecture 3 - Centralized State and Republic
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehist276f07_merriman_lec03/  
主讲教师: John Merriman
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2011-03-18
课程语种: 英语
尽管进行了各种改革尝试, 但法国仍然是欧洲最集中的国家。国家的组织在巴黎中心附近最初是法国革命的后果, 诞生了省地区。这些地区对大都市中心保持着对立的关系。1875年, 尽管尚博德公爵和奥莱安派提出了相互竞争的主张, 但还是形成了一个持久的共和国。这个共和国的成立主要归功于各非巴黎省工人和农民的支持。* * 阅读作业: * * 索韦恩, 查尔斯。法国自1870年以来: 文化、政治和社会, 第27-54 页。
课程简介: Despite various attempts at reform, France remains the most centralized state in Europe. The organization of the country around the Parisian center was originally a consequence of the French Revolution, which gave birth to the departmental regions. These regions have retained an oppositional relationship towards the metropolitan center. In 1875, an enduring republic was formed despite the competing claims of the Comte de Chambord and the Orleanists. This republic owed its founding largely to support from workers and peasants in the various non-Parisian departments. **Reading assignment:** Sowerwine, Charles. France since 1870: Culture, Politics and Society, pp. 27-54.
关 键 词: 人文; 历史; 中央集权
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-12:yumf
阅读次数: 58