
第22讲 - 媒体和生育率过渡在发展中国家(威廉·瑞尔森演讲客户)

Lecture 22 - Media and the Fertility Transition in Developing Countries (Guest Lecture by William Ryerson)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalemcdb150s09_ryerson_lec22/  
主讲教师: William Ryerson
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-05-14
课程语种: 英语
客座讲师威廉·瑞尔森是人口媒体中心主席, 该中心在发展中国家制作广播和电视连续剧, 旨在改变妇女地位、计划生育和艾滋病方面的行为。这些情景剧与政府和国内媒体专业人员合作, 持续了数百集, 并受到数百万人的关注。仔细的研究表明, 受众的知识、态度和做法发生了重大变化。阅读作业: 罗杰斯、沃恩、拉奥·斯瓦雷赫和苏德·斯文克鲁德。"《坦桑尼亚娱乐教育无线电肥皂肥皂剧计划生育行为的影响," 计划生育研究, 第30号 (1999年), 193-211 页
课程简介: Guest lecturer William Ryerson is President of the Population Media Center which produces radio and TV serial dramas in developing countries that aim to effect behavior change on women's status, family planning and AIDS. Working with governments and in-country media professionals, these melodramas run for hundreds of episodes and are watched by millions. Careful research shows major changes in audience knowledge, attitudes and practices. Reading assignment: Rogers, Vaughan, Rao Swalehe and Sood Svenkerud. "Effects of an Entertainment-Education Radio Soap Opera of Family Planning Behavior in Tanzania." Studies in Family Planning, no. 30 (1999), pp. 193-211
关 键 词: 社会科学; 社会学; 人口
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-27:yumf
阅读次数: 40