讲座26 - 杠杆周期和崩溃

Lecture 26 - The Leverage Cycle and Crashes
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalemecon251f09_geanakoplos_lec26/  
主讲教师: John Geanakoplos
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-03-17
课程语种: 英语
为了理解杠杆周期理论的精确预测, 在最后一类中, 我们明确地解决了杠杆周期的两个数学示例。我们展示了供需如何决定杠杆以及利率, 以及不耐烦和波动如何在确定利率和杠杆方面发挥关键作用。从数学上讲, 该模型帮助我们确定了危机的三个关键要素。首先, 可怕的坏消息增加了不确定性。其次, 杠杆崩溃。最后, 最乐观的人被压垮了, 所以新的边际买家对经济的乐观程度要低得多。其结果是, 资产价格的下跌被放大, 远远超出了任何市场参与者对这一消息的预期。如果我们想减轻危机的后果, 首先要控制这三个因素。如果我们想防止杠杆周期崩溃, 我们必须监测杠杆并对其进行监管, 就像我们监控和调整利率一样。
课程简介: In order to understand the precise predictions of the Leverage Cycle theory, in this last class we explicitly solve two mathematical examples of leverage cycles. We show how supply and demand determine leverage as well as the interest rate, and how impatience and volatility play crucial roles in setting the interest rate and the leverage. Mathematically, the model helps us identify the three key elements of a crisis. First, scary bad news increases uncertainty. Second, leverage collapses. Lastly, the most optimistic people get crushed, so the new marginal buyers are far less sanguine about the economy. The result is that the drop in asset prices is amplified far beyond what any market participant would expect from the news alone. If we want to mitigate the fallout from a crisis, the place to begin is in controlling those three elements. If we want to prevent leverage cycle crashes, we must monitor leverage and regulate it, the same way we monitor and adjust interest rates.
关 键 词: 商业; 金融理论; 杠杆周期
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:邬启凡(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 78