
Newton's Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalephys200f06_shankar_lec04/  
主讲教师: Ramamurti Shankar
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-06-03
课程语种: 英语
讲座从牛顿三定律的应用开始,并警告说,它们对于以与光速相当的速度移动的物体或极小且原子尺度的物体无效。讨论了摩擦和静摩擦。可怕的斜面是正面处理的。最后,S[url]ankar教授用牛顿定律解释了物体在与圆运动物体有关的具体问题上的运动,如过山车和绕太阳运行的行星。阅读作业:沃尔夫森和帕萨乔夫,《物理学与现代物理学》,第6章。资源:【[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/problem_set_2_4.pdf problem set 2[pdf]]】【[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/problem_set_2_solutions_4.pdf problem set 2 solutions[pdf]]]
课程简介: T[url]e lecture begins wit[url] t[url]e application of Newton's t[url]ree laws, wit[url] t[url]e warning t[url]at t[url]ey are not valid for objects t[url]at move at speeds comparable to t[url]e speed of lig[url]t or objects t[url]at are incredibly small and of t[url]e atomic scale. Friction and static friction are discussed. T[url]e dreaded inclined plane is dealt wit[url] [url]ead on. Finally, Professor S[url]ankar explains t[url]e motion of objects using Newton's laws in specific problems related to objects in circular motion, suc[url] as roller coasters and a planet orbiting t[url]e Sun. Reading assignment: Wolfson and Pasac[url]off, P[url]ysics wit[url] Modern P[url]ysics, c[url]apter 6. Resources: [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/problem_set_2_4.pdf|Problem Set 2 [PDF]]] [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/problem_set_2_solutions_4.pdf|Problem Set 2 Solutions [PDF]]]
关 键 词: 物理; 摩擦; 牛顿第三定律
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-04-10:chenxin
阅读次数: 121