
The Politics of Food II: The Issues, the Fights and Who Controls the Frame
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalepsyc123f08_brownell_lec18/  
主讲教师: Kelly D. Brownell
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-09-27
课程语种: 英语
布劳内尔教授讨论了政府的具体情况及其在人们选择食物中的作用。他探讨了政府是否以及如何在人们的食物选择中发挥作用。Brownell教授强调了将自由与个人责任问题结合在一起的美国心态,探讨了该问题的框架如何影响政策,并提出了一个更微妙的观点。然后,他回顾了当前政府在营养计划方面所做的工作。然后,他回顾了企业自我调节的三个条件,并建议税收作为潜在的政府干预,以及烟草税的先例。阅读作业:伯曼,理查德。政府应该禁止反式脂肪吗?Con:禁令是歇斯底里的,但不好笑(OPED)。《旧金山纪事报》,2006年10月18日,P.B8布劳内尔,Kelly D.和Walter C. Willett。政府应该禁止反式脂肪吗?Pro:选择去除反式脂肪(OPED)。《旧金山纪事报》,2006年10月18日,P.B8安顿,安东尼和Lane Hoss。反式脂肪计划将是“后勤噩梦”。西雅图邮报情报员,2007年7月17日,Brownell,Kelly D.和Robert R.Friedman。";我们需要知道我们摄入了什么(oped)。";西雅图邮报情报员,2008年2月14日Brownell,Kelly D.和David S.Ludwig。与肥胖作斗争和食品游说(欧佩德)。《华盛顿邮报》,2002年6月9日,第B6页,陆克文食品政策和肥胖中心。(2008)。";连锁餐厅的菜单标签:公共政策机遇[pdf]Silver、Lynn和Mary T.Bassett。《21世纪食品安全》,JAMA,300(2008),第957-959页,时代杂志辩论。";您对自己的体重负责吗?时间,2004年6月7日,第113页
课程简介: Professor Brownell discusses the specifics of government and its role in people's food choices. He explores whether and how government should play a role in people's food choices. Professor Brownell highlights the American mindset which couples freedom with issues of personal responsibilities, explores how the framing of the issue influences policy, and proposes a more nuanced view. He then reviews what the current government does on the nutrition program front. He then reviews the three conditions under which business self-regulates, and suggests taxation as a potential government intervention, and a tobacco tax precedent. Reading assignment: Berman, Richard. "Should Government Ban Trans Fats? Con: Bans are Hysterical - but not Funny (OpEd)." San Francisco Chronicle, 18 October 2006, p. B8 Brownell, Kelly D. and Walter C. Willett. "Should Government Ban Trans Fats? Pro: Choose to Remove Trans Fats (OpEd)." San Francisco Chronicle, 18 October 2006, p. B8 Anton, Anthony and Lane Hoss. "Trans Fat Plan Would Be 'logistical nightmare.'" Seattle Post Intelligencer, 17 July 2007 Brownell, Kelly D. and Robert R. Friedman. "We Need to Know What We Ingest (OpEd)." Seattle Post Intelligencer, 14 February 2008 Brownell, Kelly D. and David S. Ludwig. "Fighting Obesity and the Food Lobby (OpEd)." Washington Post, 9 June 2002, p. B6 Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. (2008). "Menu Labeling in Chain Restaurants: Opportunities for Public Policy [PDF] Silver, Lynn and Mary T. Bassett. "Food Safety for the 21st Century." JAMA, 300 (2008), pp. 957-959 Time Magazine Debate. "Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight?" Time, 7 June 2004, p. 113
关 键 词: 生命科学; 营养; 社会科学; 社会; 公共政策
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-04-10:chenxin
阅读次数: 67