
Sexual Health, HIV/STI, and Human Rights
课程网址: http://ocw.jhsph.edu/courses/beyrer/  
主讲教师: Chris Beyrer, Professor, Epidemiology
开课单位: 布隆博格公共卫生学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: Human rights abrogation or protection can affect the health of individuals, communities, and populations. Sexual rights violations are a subset of threats to human dignity. Forced, coerced, and higher risk sexual exposures are highly correlated with adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes - including STI and HIV. Responses that address human rights may improve STI prevention and control, and better human rights contexts for those at risk.
关 键 词: 流行病; 感染; 预防和控制
课程来源: 约翰霍普金斯大学布隆伯格公共卫生学院公开课
最后编审: 2017-03-18:gmj
阅读次数: 25