在接下来的10亿用户的移动技术设计MAS.965 NextLab I: Designing Mobile Technologies for the Next Billion Users |
课程网址: | http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/media-arts-and-sciences/mas-965-nextla... |
主讲教师: | Jhonatan Rotberg; Luis Sarmenta; Gari Clifford; Rich Fletcher |
开课单位: | 麻省理工学院 |
开课时间: | 2008-09-01 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 你能用手机改变这个世界吗? NextLab是一个为期一年的实践设计课程,学生可以为发展中国家的下一个十亿移动用户研究,开发和部署移动技术。在当地合作伙伴观察到的现实需求的指导下,学生在多学科团队中开展长期项目,与地方一级的非政府组织和社区,实地工作者和相关领域的专家密切合作。学生需要利用移动和互联网技术的技术创造力以及社会洞察力,以应对健康,小额信贷,创业,教育和公民行动等领域的社会挑战。拥有技术和社会可行原型的学生可以获得前往目标社区旅行的资金,以获得必要的第一手反馈,以准备他们的技术,以便在现实世界中进行全面部署(受制于指导方针和限制)。 |
课程简介: | Can you make a cellphone change the world? NextLab is a hands-on year-long design course in which students research, develop and deploy mobile technologies for the next billion mobile users in developing countries. Guided by real-world needs as observed by local partners, students work in multidisciplinary teams on term-long projects, closely collaborating with NGOs and communities at the local level, field practitioners, and experts in relevant fields. Students are expected to leverage technical ingenuity in both mobile and internet technologies together with social insight in order to address social challenges in areas such as health, microfinance, entrepreneurship, education, and civic activism. Students with technically and socially viable prototypes may obtain funding for travel to their target communities, in order to obtain the first-hand feedback necessary to prepare their technologies for full fledged deployment into the real world (subject to guidelines and limitations). |
关 键 词: | 移动技术; 互联网技术; 社会洞察力 |
课程来源: | 麻省理工学院公开课 |
最后编审: | 2020-11-13:yumf |
阅读次数: | 67 |