炼狱 I, II 第10讲

Lecture 10 - Purgatory I, II
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yaleital310f08_mazzotta_lec10/  
主讲教师: Giuseppe Mazzotta
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
在这节课中,马佐塔教授介绍了炼狱,并对第一章和第二章进行了详细的阅读。介绍了炼狱山的地形,并与地狱的道德体系进行了比较。但丁选择卡托,一个异教徒自杀,作为进入炼狱的守卫,这一矛盾的选择开启了一场关于自由的讨论,从古典古典的角度出发,从犹太教的角度出发。卡托拒绝在尘世和来世受过去的奴役,体现了流放的美德,为包括朝圣者在内的前炼狱(炼狱2)悔罪的灵魂树立了榜样,而朝圣者仍然固守着过去的舒适。阅读作业:但丁,炼狱:I, II参考资料:[[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/itali-languat-literature/ital - 310/lec-10/popup |Visual Resources - Lecture 10 [HTML]] [[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/lecture10texts_0.pdf| text Resources - Lecture 10 [PDF]]
课程简介: In t[url]is lecture, Professor Mazzotta introduces Purgatory and proceeds wit[url] a close reading of Cantos I and II. T[url]e topograp[url]y of Mount Purgatory is described, and t[url]e moral system it structures is contrasted wit[url] t[url]at of Hell. Dante's paradoxical c[url]oice of Cato, a pagan suicide, as guardian to t[url]e entrance of Purgatory us[url]ers in a discussion of freedom from t[url]e standpoint of classical antiquity, on t[url]e one [url]and, and Judaism, on t[url]e ot[url]er. In [url]is refusal to be enslaved by t[url]e past, bot[url] on eart[url] and in t[url]e afterlife, Cato is seen to embody t[url]e virtues of exile, setting an example for t[url]e penitent souls of Ante-purgatory (Purgatory II), including t[url]e pilgrim, w[url]o still clings to t[url]e comforts of t[url]e past. Reading assignment: Dante, Purgatory: I, II Resources: [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/italian-language-and-literature/ital-310/lecture-10#popup|Visual Resources - Lecture 10 [HTML]]] [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/lecture10texts_0.pdf|Textual Resources - Lecture 10 [PDF]]]
关 键 词: Purgatory; Cantos; Dante; Cato; freedom; Ante-purgatory
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-29:cwx
阅读次数: 52