
18.417 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-417-introduction-to-com...  
主讲教师: Ross Lippert
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: This course introduces the basic computational methods used to understand the cell on a molecular level. It covers subjects such as the sequence alignment algorithms: dynamic programming, hashing, suffix trees, and Gibbs sampling. Furthermore, it focuses on computational approaches to: genetic and physical mapping; genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation; RNA expression and secondary structure; protein structure and folding; and molecular interactions and dynamics.
关 键 词: 序列比对算法; 动态规划; 吉布斯抽样; 物理图谱; 基因组测序
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2017-04-20:sheny
阅读次数: 33