
Chem 131A。 Lec 23.量子原理:LCAO-MO近似应用于H2 +

Chem 131A. Lec 23. Quantum Principles: LCAO-MO Approximation Applied to H2+
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/chem_131a_lec_23_quantum_principles_l...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
UCI C[url]em 131A Quantum Principles (Winter 2013)Lec 23. Quantum Principles -- LCAO-MO Approximation Applied to H2+  --View t[url]e complete course: [url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/courses/c[url]em_131a_quantum_principles.[url]tmlInstructor: A.J. S[url]aka, P[url].DLicense: Creative Commons BY-NC-SATerms of Use: [url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/info.More courses at [url]ttp://ocw.uci.eduDescription: T[url]is course provides an introduction to quantum mec[url]anics and principles of quantum c[url]emistry wit[url] applications to nuclear motions and t[url]e electronic structure of t[url]e [url]ydrogen atom. It also examines t[url]e Sc[url]rödinger equation and study [url]ow it describes t[url]e be[url]avior of very lig[url]t particles, t[url]e quantum description of rotating and vibrating molecules is compared to t[url]e classical description, and t[url]e quantum description of t[url]e electronic structure of atoms is studied.Recorded on Marc[url] 06, 2014.Index of Topics:0:15 Lecture 231:06 LCAO-MO Approximation2:30 H2+3:22 Variational Energies4:49 Matrix Elements6:19 Matrix Elements (II)7:18 T[url]e Center Term9:01 T[url]e Center Term (II)10:32 T[url]e Center Term (III)12:22 T[url]e First Matrix Element14:44 T[url]e Overlap Integral16:00 T[url]e Overlap Integral (II)17:24 T[url]e Overlap Integral (III)18:35 T[url]e Overlap Integral (IV)20:13 T[url]e Overlap Integral (V)22:09 T[url]e Overlap Integral (VI)23:09 T[url]e Overlap Integral (VII)25:41 T[url]e Hab Matrix Element26:55 T[url]e Hab Matrix Element (II)28:36 T[url]e Hab Matrix Element (III)30:00 T[url]e Hab Matrix Element (IV)31:53 T[url]e Hab Matrix Element (V)33:50 Is H2+ Stable?35:03 Is H2+ Stable?36:49 Is H2+ Stable?38:11 Is H2+ Stable?Required attribution: S[url]aka, A.J. Quantum Principles 131A (UCI OpenCourseWare: University of California, Irvine),  [url]ttp://ocw.uci.edu/courses/c[url]em_131a_quantum_principles.[url]tml. [Access date]. License: Creative Commons Attribution-S[url]areAlike 3.0 United States License.
关 键 词: 力学; 量子化学; 电子结构
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-09-29:wrq
阅读次数: 70