
Speaking Out on Egypt
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/speaking_out_on_egypt.html  
主讲教师: Authors Various
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
随着埃及示威和抗议活动的持续,UCI的全球和平与冲突研究中心和人类学部提供了一个机会,让埃及的精英、文化、政治和法律问题的内部专家们有了一个视角。“与UCI人类学家Julia Elyachar Christine Hegel Cantarella Selim Shahine和UCI历史教授Mark Le Vine一起在埃及发表演讲。由政治学教授、CGPACS主任Cecelia Lynch和人类学教授、代理系主任Karen Leonard主持。2011年2月17日,星期四,下午2:00-3:30,社会行为与科学门户(SBSG),Mark Levine 1517室,最近从开罗的塔希尔广场返回,为最近的动荡提供了一个目击证人的叙述。Julia Elyachar是UCI人类学系的助理教授,专攻埃及城市的社会、文化和政治经济。她的书《处置市场:非政府组织、经济发展和开罗的国家》是2007年美国人种学协会一等奖的共同获得者。她曾在美国人种学、社会与历史比较研究、公共文化以及美国和欧洲的其他期刊上发表过关于埃及的文章。克里斯汀·黑格尔·坎塔雷拉是UCI人类学系和货币、技术和金融包容研究所的助理研究专家。她的研究主要集中在当代埃及的合同、诉讼和法院改革,特别是对塞得港的研究。目前的出版物包括一篇文章《埃及的近亲:订婚、法律文件和重新配置关系义务》,刊登在《法律、文化和人文》杂志上,以及《伊斯兰:中东妇女、离婚和婚姻》编辑卷中的一章。塞利姆H沙欣是一位社会文化人类学家,他的研究重点是埃及精英。他在埃及前王室成员中进行了人种学实地调查,这些成员在1952年的军事政变中被废黜,使目前四面楚歌的埃及政权掌权。Shahine于2006年从UCI获得社会科学博士学位,现为人类学系讲师。
课程简介: As demonstrations and protests continue in Egypt, UCI’s Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies and Department of Anthropology present an opportunity to gain perspective from in-house experts on elites, culture, politics and law in Egypt. “Speaking Out on Egypt” with UCI anthropologists Julia Elyachar | Christine Hegel-Cantarella | Selim Shahine and with UCI Professor of History Mark Le Vine. Moderated by Cecelia Lynch, political science professor and CGPACS director and Karen Leonard, anthropology professor and acting department chair. Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:00-3:30 p.m. Social Behavioral and Sciences Gateway (SBSG), Room 1517 Mark LeVine, recently returned from Cairo's Tashir Square, provides an eyewitness account to the recent upheaval. Julia Elyachar is an assistant professor in UCI’s Department of Anthropology with a research specialty in the social, cultural, and political economy of urban Egypt. Her book, Markets of Dispossession: NGOs, Economic Development, and the State in Cairo, was a co-winner of the first book prize of the American Ethnological Association in 2007. She has published articles on Egypt in American Ethnologist, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Public Culture, and other journals in the United States and Europe. Christine Hegel-Cantarella is an assistant research specialist in the Department of Anthropology and the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion at UCI. Her research focuses on contracting, litigation, and court reform in contemporary Egypt, with a particular focus on Port Said. Current publications include an article "Kin-to-Be: Betrothal, Legal Documents, and Reconfiguring Relational Obligations in Egypt" which appeared in the journal Law, Culture and the Humanities, and a chapter in the edited volume Islam: Women, Divorce and Marriage in the Middle East. Selim H. Shahine is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research focuses on Egyptian elites. He conducted ethnographic fieldwork among members of Egypt's former royal family who were deposed during the military coup d’état of 1952 that put the currently embattled regime in power. Shahine received his Ph.D. in social science from UCI in 2006 and is currently a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology.
关 键 词: 和平与冲突; 城市政治经济; 金融包容性
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2017-04-05:sheny
阅读次数: 34