

PSC401: Public International Law
课程网址: http://ocw.vu.edu.pk/CourseDetails.aspx?cat=Law&course=PSC401  
主讲教师: Ahmer Bilal Sofi
开课单位: 巴基斯坦虚拟大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: Introduction to International Law, Whether International Law is a Law or Not?, Subjects of International Law, Sources of International Law I, Sources of International Law II, International Law and Municipal Law, Law of Treaties, Jurisdiction, Immunity from Jurisdiction, Territory, Recognition, State Succession, Law of the Sea, Air Space and Outer Space, Human Rights, Nuclear Law:, Major Treaties, Nuclear Law: NPT & IAEA, International Law on Terrorism I, International Law on Terrorism II, Law of Refugee, Use of Force and UN Charter, Use of Force (Unlawful), International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Court, ..........State Responsibility, Pacific Settlement of Disputes, International Law on Siachen Issue, International Law on Sir Creek Issue, International Law on Kashmir Dispute, International Law and Issue of Non State Actors, International Criminal Law, International Law of the Sea and Pakistan, International Humanitarian Law and Pakistan, International Court of Justice Decisions, Legal Aspects of the Atlantic Case, International Court of Justice and the Leading Judgments, Islamic Concept of International Law, International Trade Laws, Concept of Implementing Legislation, International Law of Money Laundering, Working of Selected United Nations Bodies, Case of a Multi-Lateral Treaty, Treaty Negotiations, Future International Law Challenges, Conclusion and Overview
关 键 词: law; public; international
课程来源: 巴基斯坦虚拟大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-27:yumf
阅读次数: 40