

Linear Algebra
课程网址: http://oer.avu.org/handle/123456789/16  
主讲教师: Tendayi; Chihaka
开课单位: 非洲虚拟大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
在可能的情况下,单元内容的总体布局从概念的具体表示一直到它们的抽象形式。第一单元从线性方程组及其解的处理开始。接下来的一节将介绍向量和矩阵,并详细介绍这些运算以及行列式的理论和性质。接下来讨论向量空间的相对抽象的概念。线性变换的理论和性质结束了这个单元。第二单元介绍特征值和特征向量的概念。证明了对角化性质。每个单元最多有四个活动,其中一个侧重于数学教育、教育学和教学。这不仅帮助学生专注于数学内容,也帮助他们专注于作为中学数学教师的目标。 ,
课程简介: ' The general layout of content in the units proceeds, wherever possible from the concrete representation of the concepts to their abstract forms.Unit 1 begins with a treatment of systems of linear equations and their solutions. This is followed by a section that introduces vectors and matrices and dwells quite a lot on operations on these and the theory and properties of determinants. The relatively more abstract concept of vector spaces is treated next. The theory and properties of Linear transformations closes this unit.Unit 2 introduces the notions of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The diagonalisation property is demonstrated and proved.Each unit has a maximum of four activities, one of which focuses on mathematics education, pedagogics and didactics. This helps students not only to focus on mathematical content, but also to focus on their goal as teachers of mathematics in the secondary school.'  
关 键 词: 线性方程组; 向量; 矩阵; 线性空间; 线性代换
课程来源: 非洲虚拟大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-10-09:wxi
阅读次数: 51