

Educational Communication
课程网址: https://oer.avu.org/handle/123456789/76  
主讲教师: Ekol, George L.
开课单位: 非洲虚拟大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
教育传播模块作者:George L. Ekol。该模块从人类交际的大语境中衍生出教育交际。它首先研究了伯罗和施拉姆等学者提出的人际交往问题。他们的模型被用来说明线性和周期性通信。接下来是使用不同媒体的大众传播理论。再次,模型被用来讨论线性和周期性的交流,引入反馈回路的概念。该模块将上述观点结合在一起,以帮助讨论选择和使用各种沟通工艺品和有效的教学方法。
课程简介: Educational Communication Module authored by George L. Ekol. This module derives educational communication from the broad context of human communication. It begins by looking at interpersonal communication as presented by scholars such as Berlo and Schramm.Their models are used to illustrate linear and cyclical communication. This is then followed by the theories of mass communication using different media. Again models are used to discuss linear and cyclical communication bringing in the concept of the feedback loop. The module puts together the views presented above to help discuss the selection and use various communication artefacts and approaches for effective teaching and learning.
关 键 词: education; event; social
课程来源: 非洲虚拟大学公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-28:yumf
阅读次数: 37