
The Hybrid BCI
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/bbci09_pfurtscheller_thb/  
主讲教师: Gert Pfurtscheller
开课单位: 格拉茨技术大学
开课时间: 2009-08-10
课程语种: 英语
有几种不同的BCI方法,可能取决于外部刺激,也可能不取决于外部刺激。慢皮质电位(SCP)、事件相关的去同步(ERD)和感觉运动节律(SMR)BCI不需要外部刺激,而p300 BCI和稳态视觉诱发电位(SSVEP)BCI则需要外部刺激。依赖意味着在这方面,用户必须集中注意力和/或注视闪烁/闪烁的灯光,或者因此不能完全自由地决定执行某项操作。每种类型的BCI系统都有其优缺点。SSVEP BCIS需要最少的训练时间,能够实现较高的信息传输率(ITR),但在休息时有较高的假阳性率。相比之下,基于图像后β-ers的非同步大脑开关具有较低的ITR,但可以以较低的错误位置率快速轻松地设置(Pfurtscheller和Solis Escalante,Clin)。神经生理的2009)。因此,利用不同BCI系统的优势,通过使用大脑开关(ERD-BCI)打开或关闭闪烁灯电池(SSVEP-BCI),创建“混合”BCI系统是一个挑战。另一种类型的“混合”BCI可以同时分析与运动图像相关的脑电图变化和SSVEP振幅。最近有研究表明,这种“混合”策略相对于ERD或SSVEP分类而言,分类精度更好(Allison等人2009年提交)。
课程简介: There are several different BCI approaches, which may or may not depend on external stimulation. Slow cortical potential (SCP)-, event-related desynchronisation (ERD)- and sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)-BCIs do not require external stimulation, while P300-BCIs and steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-BCIs do. Dependent means in this respect that the user has to focus attention and/or gaze to flickering/flashing lights or and can therefore not completely freely decide to perform an action. Each type of BCI system has advantages and disadvantages. SSVEP-BCIs need minimal training time and can achieve a high information transfer rate (ITR), but have a relatively high false positive rate during rest. In contrast, an asynchronous brain switch based on the post-imagery beta ERS has a low ITR, but can be set up quickly and easily with a low false position rate (Pfurtscheller and Solis-Escalante, Clin. Neurophysio. 2009). It is therefore a challenge to use the advantages of different BCI systems and create a “hybrid” BCI system by switching e.g. a battery of flickering lights (SSVEP-BCI) on or off by using a brain switch (ERD-BCI). Another type of “hybrid” BCI can analyse motor imagery related EEG changes and SSVEP amplitudes simultaneously. It was shown recently that such a “hybrid” strategy results in a better classification accuracy relative to either an ERD or SSVEP classification alone (Allison et al submitted 2009).
关 键 词: 高信息传输速率; BCI系统; 皮层慢电位
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-28:heyf
阅读次数: 49