
Emergence of complexity in biological networks: from selection to tinkering
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ephdcs08_sole_eocibn/  
主讲教师: Solé Ricard V
开课单位: 庞贝法布拉大学
开课时间: 2008-10-15
课程语种: 英语
最近的研究一直在寻找自然系统和人工系统的组织和进化的一般原则,这些自然系统和人工系统是在重复使用以前存在的子结构的基础上,通过局部规则改变的。在比较生物结构和人工制品时,这种修补过程(至少在原则上)有很大的不同。正如法国生物学家Franç;ois Jacob所指出的那样,工程师能够预见人工制品的未来用途(即,它充当设计师),而进化则不能。第一个可以忽略以前的设计,而第二个则基于使用可用结构所进行的更改。尽管存在明显的缺陷,但修补技术已经能够生成现实世界中可以观察到的最复杂的结构(包括技术世界中的一些结构)。通常,由此产生的结构共享组织的共同原则,这意味着向有限数量的基本计划集中进化是不可避免的。创新是如何通过进化而产生的,是复杂性的关键问题之一。最近对进化的复杂网络的研究表明,修补是塑造复杂系统的主要驱动力,在修补的进化过程中,可能会出现一些令人满意的特性,包括模块化。
课程简介: Recent work has been searching for general principles of organization and evolution of natural and artificial systems changing through local rules based on reuse of previously existing substructures. Such a process of "tinkering" makes a big difference (at least in principle) when comparing biological structures and man-made artifacts. As pointed out by the French biologist François Jacob, the engineer is able to foresee the future use of the artifact (i.e. it acts as a designer) whereas evolution does not. The first can ignore previous designs, whereas the second is based on changes taking place by using available structures. In spite of its apparent drawbacks, tinkering has been able to generate most complex structures observable in the real world (including some in the technological world). Very often, the resulting structures share common principles of organization, suggesting that convergent evolution towards a limited number of basic plans is inevitable. How innovations emerge through evolution is one of the key problems in complexity. Recent work on evolved complex networks suggests that tinkering is a main driving force shaping complex systems and that several desirable properties, including modularity, might emerge for free under tinkered evolution.
关 键 词: 人工系统; 生物结构; 组织原则; 收敛进化
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-21:heyf
阅读次数: 38