
Forced Labor in the Globalized World
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_ashbrook_collingsworth_abrami_p...  
主讲教师: Roger Plant; Regina M. Abrami; Thomas A. Kochan; Tom Ashbrook; Terry Collingsworth
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
在购买下一块巧克力或运动衫之前,请记住它潜在的隐藏成本:贫困工人的强迫劳动。根据国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization)最近的一份报告,来自发展中国家的1230万人辛辛苦苦地为工业化国家生产商品和服务。这个小组的发言者们一个接一个地揭示了现代奴隶制的惊人普遍性,而现在看来,整个全球经济都依赖于奴隶制。罗杰·普兰特明确表示,这不是低工资的问题。“这是指你违背自己的意愿或选择自由进入工作或服务,没有惩罚就无法离开。欺骗是强迫劳动的一个关键方面。”特里·柯林斯沃斯说,“全球经济的品牌正从强迫劳动中受益。”…你看到孩子和年轻人被迫为他们工作。我观察了沃尔玛在中国的供应商,那里的员工被告知他们会以一定的速度找到一份工作,然后他们发现自己欠债了,不能离开,但不仅仅是发达国家和他们的公司剥削了这些员工。Thomas Kochan说,“我们将全球化作为跨越国界的产品来关注,现在我们有了跨越国界的人,以及依赖这些人向家庭提供汇款作为货币和收入来源的国家。”关于行为准则,西方的激进主义正在产生影响。Regina Abrami说“董事会感觉很热”,但人们担心,如果有人表现出色,他会变得不那么有竞争力。“hellip;如果您不引入解决公平竞争问题的政府监管,您将无法解决公司行为不道德的问题。”
课程简介: Before buying your next chocolate bar or sweatshirt, bear in mind its potential hidden cost: the forced labor of an impoverished worker. According to a recent International Labor Organization report, 12.3 million people from developing countries toil miserably to produce goods and services for industrialized nations. One after another, speakers on this panel reveal the astonishing pervasiveness of modern-day slavery, on which, it seems, the entire global economy now depends. Roger Plant makes clear that this is not a matter of low wages. “It’s when you enter a job or service against your freedom of will or choice and can’t get out without some penalty. Deception is a key aspect of forced labor.” Says Terry Collingsworth, “The brand names of the global economy are benefiting from forced labor. …You see children and young adults forced to work for them. I observed Walmart suppliers in China, where workers were told they’d get a job at a certain rate, who then found out they were in debt and couldn’t leave.” But it’s not just that developed countries and their corporations exploit these workers. Thomas Kochan says, “We’ve focused on globalization as products going across borders, and now we have people going across, and countries depending on those people to provide remittances back to families as a source of currency and income.” In recent times, Nike and Gap have begun to make their suppliers in developing nations adhere to codes of conduct, and activism in the West is making an impact. Regina Abrami says “Boardrooms are feeling the heat….But there’s fear that if someone does well, he will become less competitive. …If you don’t introduce government regulation that solves the problem of fair competition, you won’t solve the issue of corporations acting in less than virtuous ways.”
关 键 词: 经济; 社会科学; 社会
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-11-18:cwx
阅读次数: 48