
Forced Labor: The World Debate
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_badawi_cadet_law_bales_bhagwati...  
主讲教师: Jean-Robert Câdet, Steven Law, Zeinab Badawi, Kevin Bales, Jagdish Bhagwati
开课单位: 英国广播公司
开课时间: 2011-06-07
课程语种: 英语
吉恩·罗伯特·德特失去了童年,四岁时,他成了富有的太子港家族的奴隶。经过多年的地板清洗、取水和在厨房桌子下睡觉,当他的主人搬到美国后,他找到了自由,把他踢了出去。Câ;det说,“最重要的部分是情感上的脱离”,现在他想知道为什么美国,海地最大的外国捐助者,不把外国援助与消除奴隶制联系在一起。Kevin Bales描述了发展中国家奴隶制的遗传形式,在这个世界上一代又一代的家庭被视为他们永远无法偿还的贷款抵押品。但是,他指出,美国也有自己的问题:“我们发现加纳、喀麦隆、科特迪瓦的年轻女性,她们被控制她们的人们称为‘动物、动物’,多年来一直被用作华盛顿郊区的家仆,并遭受性虐待。”“Hellip;我们在美国90个城市发现了被强迫奴隶制缠身的人。”Stephen Law描述了美国劳工部调查人员在调查违反工资法的简单行为时,如何发现“恐吓、胁迫和保密”周围的童工和其他非法剥削行为。更糟糕的是,他说,“文化强化将人们锁定在这种生活方式中”,这是一种阻碍人们摆脱奴役的洗脑方式。罗杰·普兰特说,在全球1200万强迫劳工中,大多数是妇女和儿童。他纠正了“强迫劳动”是国家强加的假设。如今,五分之四的强迫劳动是由私人代理…强加的。剥削保税劳动力的人会获得巨大利润。”Jagdish Bhagwati提供了一些希望:“由于经济和其他激励措施,社会机构自身可能会发生变化。”…(强迫劳工)必须能够离开,获得自由,找到新的工作,这是全球化促进的经济繁荣的关键所在。
课程简介: Jean-Robert Câdet lost his childhood, when at the age of four, he became a slave to a rich Port-au-Prince family. After years of washing floors, fetching water, and sleeping under the kitchen table, he found freedom when his owners moved to the U.S., and kicked him out. Câdet, who says the “biggest part was the emotional detachment,” wonders today why the U.S., Haiti’s biggest foreign donor, doesn’t “link foreign aid to the elimination of slavery.” Kevin Bales describes hereditary forms of slavery in the developing world where generations of a family “are put up as collateral against a loan” that they’re never able to pay back. But, he points out, the U.S. has its own problems: “We have found young women from Ghana, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, who are called by the people who control them ‘the creature, the animal,’ and used for years, and sexually abused, as domestic servants in Washington, D.C. suburbs. …We found in 90 U.S. cities people caught up in forced slavery.” Stephen Law describes how U.S. Labor Department investigators looking into simple violations of wage laws find “intimidation, coercion and secrecy” surrounding child labor and other illegal exploitation. What’s worse, he says, “cultural reinforcement locks people into this lifestyle,” a kind of brainwashing that inhibits people from escaping their enslavement. Roger Plant says that of the 12 million forced laborers globally, most are women and children. He corrects the assumption that “forced labor is something imposed by states. Today four-fifths of all forced labor is imposed by private agents….People exploiting bonded labor make significant profits.” Jagdish Bhagwati offers some hope: “Social institutions themselves can change as a result of economic and other incentives. … (Forced laborers) have to be able to walk away and get freedom, find new jobs, which is where economic prosperity abetted by globalization matters.”
关 键 词: 社会; 社会科学; 经济学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-11-17:cwx
阅读次数: 31