
Digital Evolution
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_barrett_de/  
主讲教师: Craig Barrett
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
世界至少还有半个世纪指望着(英特尔联合创始人)戈登·摩尔定律的实现。在Craig Barrett看来,解决当前关键挑战的方法取决于每几年改进一次现有的纳米级微处理器。他指出,英特尔半导体在效率和小型化方面取得了惊人的进步,1972年前后,该公司装载了2000个晶体管,可以用肉眼看到。如今,11代集成电路中有12亿个晶体管,只能用扫描电子显微镜才能看到。巴雷特说,英特尔也必须做出其他的改进,因为他们进入了纳米级,试图在不耗电的情况下改善功能和性能。双核和四核微处理器现在允许在一台个人电脑内进行并行计算。巴雷特叙述了他在桑迪亚实验室工作的第一台Teraflop电脑需要一万个奔腾处理器,占地2000平方英尺。巴雷特说:“挑战是在未来的6到8年内,通过多个核心处理器,将达到100万个teraflops,然后在软件模式方面将面临巨大的挑战。如果世界要面对它的大挑战,这些变化必须到来。”例如,使太阳能价格合理,解决碳封存问题,并计算出氢循环。这些额外的teraflops和exaflops对于下一代的视觉计算来说也是至关重要的,科学家(和游戏玩家)希望在他们的电脑屏幕上体验高清现实。巴雷特说,硅光子学将为这种改进铺平道路。巴雷特希望当前和新兴的技术也能用于教育,他认为这是帮助发展中国家的根本。他描述了英特尔正在努力使电脑进入世界各地的教室,并提供使用培训,以及帮助宽带连接。他还希望把电脑的力量带到美国医疗领域,他说,这更像是一场迫在眉睫的金融危机,而不是一个破产的社会保障系统。他正在寻找一位政治候选人,他认为医疗改革的价值在于利用电子病历保存和个性化远程监控和诊断,将医疗问题从医院转移到个人和家庭。
课程简介: The world is counting on the fulfillment of (Intel co-founder) Gordon Moore’s Law for at least another half century. In Craig Barrett’s view, solutions to the crucial challenges of our time depend on improving on already nano-sized microprocessors every few years. He points to the astonishing improvements in efficiency and miniaturization in Intel’s semiconductors, which around 1972 came loaded with 2,000 transistors that could be seen with the naked eye. Today’s integrated circuits, 11 generations down the road, bear 1-2 billion transistors that can be seen only with a scanning electron microscope. Intel has had to make other improvements too, says Barrett, as they moved into the nanoscale, attempting to improve functionality and performance without power dissipation. Dual and quad core microprocessors now permit parallel computing within a single PC. Barrett recounts how the first teraflop computer he worked on at Sandia Labs required 10 thousand Pentium processors and took up 2,000 square feet. “The challenge is in the next six to eight years, going to exascale, getting up to a million teraflops,” through multiple core processors, he says, and then there will be a “huge challenge in terms of software paradigms.” These changes must come, says Barrett, if the world is to confront its “grand challenges,” such as making solar energy affordable, solving issues of carbon sequestration, and figuring out the hydrogen cycle. Those extra teraflops and exaflops will also prove essential to the next generations of visual computing, where scientists (and gamers) want the feel of HD reality on their computer screens. Barrett says silicon photonics will help pave the way for such improvements. Barrett wants current and emerging technologies put to use as well in education, which he sees as fundamental to helping developing economies. He describes efforts Intel is making to get computers into classrooms around the world, as well as providing training in their use, and helping with broadband connectivity. He also wants computer power brought to bear on the U.S. healthcare scene, which he describes as more of a looming financial crisis than a bankrupt social security system. He’s looking for a political candidate who sees the value of revamping healthcare to take advantage of electronic medical record-keeping, and personalized remote monitoring and diagnostics, “to shift the issue of healthcare from the hospital to individuals and the home.”
关 键 词: 纳米微处理器; 英特尔半导体; 双四核处理器
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-11-22:cwx
阅读次数: 34