

How Would Climate Change Influence Society in the 21st Century?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_pachauri_hwcc/  
主讲教师: Rajendra K. Pachauri
开课单位: 政府间气候变化专门委员会
开课时间: 2011-08-26
课程语种: 英语
麻省理工学院校长苏珊霍克菲尔德说,公众对气候变化的意识日益增强,这是有代价的。“公共对话从没有错演变而来,所以我们需要什么都不做,到一切都是错的,我们无能为力。”霍克菲尔德说:“公民渴望获得专注、清晰和方向感,考虑到这一点,麻省理工和其他组织需要更大声地说话。”在这里,拉金德拉·K·帕乔里(Rajendra K.Pachauri)提出了一个令人恐慌的主张:我们有一个窗口,可以了解技术的力量和局限性,并将重点放在一个严酷的现实上,即一个提议的解决方案的规模只能“将一个聪明的想法毁灭为一个小打小闹的分心”。如果我们要将全球平均气温上升限制在2.40摄氏度左右,七年时间将二氧化碳稳定在今天的水平。一个如此炎热的世界将是一个非常不愉快的地方。帕乔里阐述了气候变化的明确证据,并描述了极端降水事件、热浪和其他自然灾害将如何变得更加频繁,危及广大人类。如果气候变暖超过1.5到2.5摄氏度,我们将损失20-30%的物种。帕乔里还指出,这一“可怕的前景”:极地冰原的迅速消失,导致海平面上升数米,并导致大量人口逃离。帕乔里描述了人类必须对已经发生的变化做出的各种调整,包括防止洪水、防止水资源短缺和农业再冷却。发达国家在这方面有一个领先的开端,必须帮助发展中国家,否则将面临全球冲突的风险。然而,帕乔里说,仅仅是适应并不能“应付气候变化的所有预期影响”,因此温室气体减排工作迫在眉睫。在这幅绝望的全景图中,帕乔里提出了一些希望:“任何人说什么,关键是什么,为什么要采取行动,如果我们从今天开始,我们在未来的20到30年内真的会有所不同。”此外,我们手头上有一套目前或即将推出的技术,可以他说:“我会得到显著的缓解。”如果我们投资于公共交通和高效车辆、适当的研发、技术转让和激励,我们就可以实现我们的目标。他还指出,采取这类行动的成本“一点都不高”。为了将二氧化碳稳定在500 ppm左右,2030年的成本将低于全球GDP的3%,这相当于每年微小的12%。
课程简介: The rising public awareness of climate change, says MIT President Susan Hockfield, comes with a price. “The public dialogue has evolved from nothing is wrong, so we need to do nothing, to everything is so wrong, that there’s nothing we can do.” Citizens are “starving for a sense of focus, clarity and direction,” and with that in mind, MIT and other organizations “need to speak louder,” declares Hockfield, by elevating the public debate, telling the truth about the power and limitations of technology, and focusing on the harsh reality that the scale of a proposed solution can “doom a clever idea to nothing more than a dilettante’s distraction.” Here’s Rajendra K. Pachauri’s panic-inducing assertion: We have a window of seven years to stabilize CO2 at today’s levels if we are to limit our global mean temperature increase to around 2.40C. A world this hot would be a very unpleasant place to be. Pachauri lays out unequivocal” evidence of climate change, and describes how extreme precipitation events, heat waves and other natural catastrophes will become more frequent, endangering vast swaths of humanity. We stand to lose 20-30% of species if warming exceeds 1.5 to 2.5 0C. Pachauri also notes this “scary prospect”: the rapid loss of ice sheets on polar land, leading to sea level rises of several meters, and the flight of large populations in response. Pachauri describes the kinds of adaptations humanity must make to the changes already underway, including protection from flooding; preventing water scarcity; and retooling agriculture. Developed nations have a head start in these, and must help out developing nations, or risk global conflicts. Yet adaptation alone “cannot cope with all the projected impacts of climate change,” says Pachauri, so greenhouse gas mitigation efforts are urgent. In the midst of this desperate panorama, Pachauri holds out some hope: “Anyone who says, what’s the point, why take action—if we start today, we can really make a difference in the next two to three decades.” What’s more, we have at hand a portfolio of technologies that are currently or soon to be available that could achieve significant mitigation, he says. If we invest in public transport and efficient vehicles, the right kinds of R&D, technology transfers and incentives, we could achieve our goals. And he notes, the cost of taking such actions “are not high at all.” To stabilize CO2 at around 500 PPM, the costs in 2030 would be less than 3% global GDP, which amounts to a minuscule .12% annually.
关 键 词: 环境; 气候变化; 气候
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:heyf
阅读次数: 64