
The RNAi Revolution
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_sharp_trna/  
主讲教师: Phillip A. Sharp
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2011-03-05
课程语种: 英语
当诺贝尔奖获得者分子生物学的先驱将一个新的研究领域作为革命性的,必须引起注意。Phillip A.Sharp自己在基因表达方面的发现为寻找癌症和其他疾病的遗传原因开辟了新的领域。他现在对基因沉默过程中的类似突破抱有很大希望。在理解基因调控方面的最新进展是相当新的。1998年,AndrewFire和CraigMello发现了线虫RNA干扰的过程。当他们将合成的短的双链RNA导入细胞时,RNA使细胞中的一个基因沉默,并关闭了一种特定的蛋白质。(Fire和Mello因这项工作获得了2006年诺贝尔奖。)此前,科学家们曾简单地将RNA视为“DNA和蛋白质之间的从属分子”,正如Sharp所说,或以拼接形式,能够产生大量不同的蛋白质。但Sharp说,对干扰RNA机制的揭示使这一领域“更加有趣”。夏普说,在短短几年的时间里,研究人员已经了解到小RNA进入了每个细胞中存在的一条通路。“至少,四分之一或五分之一的基因是由小RNA控制的。”研究人员还怀疑,RNA通路可能在建立“人类生殖系”的控制中起着核心作用,以防止多余的DNA片段以破坏性的方式表达。这不仅为研究人员提供了一种强大的新调查工具。夏普说,“这是麻省理工学院。如果你在实验室里发现了一些新的东西,并且你知道人们在实验室外需要它,那么你就有义务尝试将其转化为治疗。一个大问题是小RNA是否可以用于治疗癌症。有证据表明,直接注射到眼球中的小RNA可能会使负责眼睛后部癌症的相互连接的基因沉默。夏普说,同样的技术也可能适用于脑部和肺部的癌症。其中一个挑战是使高水溶性RNA穿过细胞膜。纳米颗粒包装有助于防止RNA在输送到目标区域之前被吸收。夏普还提到了一些实验,这些实验表明小RNA的调节不当会导致癌症。“作为一个领域,我们现在正在努力解决短RNA在控制基因和正常生理过程中的一般作用这一问题。它变得非常有趣。
课程简介: When a Nobel Prize-winning pioneer of molecular biology embraces a new area of research as revolutionary, attention must be paid. Phillip A. Sharp’s own discoveries involving gene expression opened up new territory in the search for the genetic causes of cancer and other diseases. He now has great hopes for similar breakthroughs with the process of gene silencing. This latest advance in understanding gene regulation is quite recent. In 1998, Andrew Fire and Craig Mello discovered the process of RNA interference in the worm C. elegans. When they introduced short, double strands of synthesized RNA into a cell, the RNA silenced a gene in the cell and turned off a specific protein. (Fire and Mello were awarded the 2006 Nobel for this work.) Previously, scientists had viewed RNA as simply “the slave molecule between DNA and protein,” as Sharp puts it, or in spliced form, capable of generating a great number of diverse proteins. But revelation of the mechanism of interfering RNA has made the field “a lot more interesting,” says Sharp. In just a few years, researchers have learned that small RNA “taps into a pathway that’s present in every cell,” says Sharp. “At minimum, one in four or one in five of our genes is controlled by small RNAs.” Researchers also suspect RNA pathways may occupy a central role in establishing controls in the “human germ line” to prevent redundant pieces of DNA from being expressed in a destructive way. This offers researchers more than a powerful, new investigative tool. Says Sharp, “This is MIT. If you’ve got something in the lab that’s new and you know people need it outside of the lab, you’re under an obligation to try to translate it into therapy.” One big question is whether small RNA can be used to treat cancers. There’s evidence that small RNAs injected directly into the eyeball can potentially silence interconnecting genes responsible for cancers in the back of the eye. The same technique might also work for cancers in the brain and lung, says Sharp. One challenge involves getting the highly water soluble RNA across the cell membrane. Nanoparticle packaging may help prevent the RNAs from being absorbed before they’re delivered to the target area. Sharp also mentions experiments that suggest misregulation of small RNAs can cause cancer. “We as a field are now struggling with the issue of just what role short RNAs play in general in control of our genes and our normal physiological processes. It’s getting really interesting.”
关 键 词: 医学; 生物系; 革命
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-11-14:cwx
阅读次数: 65