

Emerging Technologies: The Innovators’ View
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_warrior_goldfinger_sharp_walker...  
主讲教师: Iqbal Quadir; Phillip A. Sharp; Padmasree Warrior; Yair Goldfinger; Jay Walker
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
创新者就像爵士乐音乐家…或者像永久的青少年。随着顶尖科技发明家们试图将他们的手指放在创新的精确本质上,以及如何最好地引导创新的存在,这些和其他类似的现象层出不穷。Yair Goldfinger利用以色列的背景来支持他的观点,即每个人都有一个创造性的倾向,这等待着某种催化剂的出现。他说,以色列军队规模很小,“从第一天起他们就教你如何即兴发挥。”如果绳子太短,你就会找到另一种选择。这个小国家的文化“被敌人包围”,缺乏投资资金,迫使不同学科的团队协作,一个创新引领下一个创新。他说:“创新与时间和地点息息相关。”像色情作品一样,创新很难定义,菲利普夏普说,但当我们看到它,我们就认识到它。它不仅是我们文化结构的一部分,如此之多以致于我们在西方“像房间里的空气一样想当然”,而且创新是“未来的定义模式”。“十五年后,我们今天所认为的普通”将完全不同。“现在的机会比任何时候都大。”夏普认为,人类历史上的另一个时期。麻省理工学院“创新是饮用水的一部分”,可以教学生如何掌握某些问题,并“大大增加他们参与创新的可能性”。夏普思考了将药品推向市场的复杂七年多的过程,认为创新是一种产品。一个人的思想,但在团队中发挥作用。当Jay Walker照镜子时,他看到了一个“连环创新者”。虽然偶然性有时会起作用,但“绝大多数的创新都发生在机遇与准备的结合上”。创新者工作越努力,他们就越幸运。“创新是解决问题的意想不到的有效解决方案”,“而不是”。o;艺术维度或个性特征。”walker在政治和艺术领域进行创新,盈利能力可能是重点之外的。但他看到所有创新者对现状都不满意。创新者尤其需要指导。“如果你年轻,你需要有人安慰你打破规则不会把你带到死胡同。”发明家面临的最大挑战包括讲故事——与他人交流他们的产品为什么能更好地解决问题。好的创新需要有效的“传播机制”,伊克巴尔·夸迪尔说,创新的一个秘诀是将两种不同的东西融合在一起,创造出第三种东西。Qadir“没有发明手机,其他人发明了小额信贷”,但他在孟加拉国巧妙地将这些元素结合在一起,为一亿人创造了低成本的电话接入。因此,对他来说,“创新就是与众不同的地方”。不要把他的工作误认为是社会企业家精神,尽管:“如果你解决了一个问题,社会会乐意为你所做的不同付出代价。”在许多国家,根深蒂固的权力会憎恨大胆的想法,并试图推翻它。“你看到一只鸟在啄食谷粒。在中间放一个玻璃杯,过了一会儿,鸟就不再啄食了。“困难国家的人会放弃。”这样的国家“需要颠覆,才能让事情再次发生变化”。“新来者会带来新鲜血液,一旦创新成功,他们可能会有更多的资源来承担更大的风险,尝试更疯狂的事情。”
课程简介: Innovators are like jazz musicians... or like permanent teenagers. These and other analogies flowed, as top-flight tech inventors tried to put their fingers on the precise nature of innovation and how it can best be coaxed into existence. Yair Goldfinger draws on his Israeli background to back up his notion that everyone has a creative bent, which awaits some catalyst to emerge. The Israeli Army, he says, is very small, “and they teach you from day one how to improvise.” If the rope is too short, you find the alternative. The culture of this small country, “surrounded by enemies” and short of investment money, forces collaboration among groups from different disciplines, with one innovation leading to the next. “Innovation is tied to time and place,” he says. Like pornography, innovation is hard to define, says Philip Sharp, but when we see it, we recognize it. Not only is it part of the fabric of our culture, so much so that we in the West “take it for granted like air in the room,” but innovation is “the defining mode of the future.” Fifteen years from now, all we perceive as ordinary today “will be completely different.” And opportunities are greater now than at any other time in human history, Sharp believes. MIT, where “innovation is part of the drinking water,” can teach students how to master certain problems and “increase the probability enormously that they will be involved in innovation.” Sharp, reflecting on the complex, seven-plus year process involved in bringing pharmaceuticals to market, sees innovation as the product of an individual mind, but harnessed within teams. When Jay Walker looks in the mirror, he sees a “serial innovator.” While serendipity sometimes operates, the “vast majority of innovation occurs where opportunity meets preparation….The harder innovators work, the luckier they get.” Innovation is “the unexpected effective solution to a problem,” not “an artistic dimension or personality trait.” Walker embraces innovation in politics and the arts, where profitability may be besides the point. But he sees among all innovators unhappiness with the status quo. Innovators especially require mentoring. “If you’re young, you need someone who gives you comfort that rule-breaking won’t take you to a dead end.” The biggest challenge for inventors involves storytelling -- communicating to others why their product solves a problem better. Good innovations require effective “propagation mechanisms.” One recipe for innovation, says Iqbal Quadir, involves blending two different things that come together to create a third thing. Qadir “didn’t invent cellphones, and someone else invented microcredit,” yet he brought these elements together ingeniously in Bangladesh to create low-cost phone access for a hundred million people. So for him, “innovation is the difference that makes a difference.” Don’t mistake his work for social entrepreneurism, though: “If you solve a problem…society is happy to pay you for the difference that you’ve made.” In many countries, entrenched powers resent bold thinking, and try to quash it. “You see a bird pecking grains. Put a glass in between and after a while, the bird stops pecking. Human beings in difficult countries give up.” Such countries “need disruption, to get things moving again.” Newcomers bring fresh blood, and “once an innovation succeeds, they may have more resources to take bigger risks and try something more crazy.”
关 键 词: 技术; 创新; 新兴技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-11-18:cwx
阅读次数: 60